How Can I Prevent Roof Leaks in My Home?

Posted by Carolyn Lynch on January 19th, 2023

However, there are many steps you can take to prevent roof leaks from happening in the first place. To help you avoid this problem, we've compiled a list of six simple ways to prevent roof leaks in your home.

Prevent Roof Leaks with These 6 Simple Ways

  1. Get Your Roof Inspected Regularly

Your roof is a long-lasting investment in your home, so it’s important to keep up the quality of 

your roof with annual inspections. Annual roof inspections from a trusted roofing contractor can help you check on the overall health of your roof, keep it in good shape for as long as possible, and avoid issues that could lead to leaks and costly damage.

  1. Keep Your Gutters Clean

Gutters help channel rainwater away from your home's foundation. If they become clogged with leaves and debris, water will have no place to go but onto your roof, causing major problems like rotting wood and water damage to the exterior of your house. Keeping your gutters clean helps prevent this from happening by allowing water to flow freely out of their downspouts and away from your house.

To keep your gutters clear, we recommend cleaning them out twice a year — once at the beginning of spring and again at the end of fall. You can either clean it yourself or hire a professional, depending on what works best for you given your location/climate, time constraints, and budget.

  1. Check and Secure the Flashing

Flashing is a waterproof barrier placed around the base of your chimney, skylights, and vents to prevent water from seeping through and causing leaks. Over time, the caulk or sealant may crack and dislocate flashing which can cause leaking into the house through these openings in the roofing system.

A professional annual inspection should include a thorough inspection of your flashing to ensure that all the seals and caulk are tight and secure. If they are not, it's time to re-seal the vulnerable parts of your roof. 

  1. Trim the Trees

Leaves, branches, and even entire trees can be a threat to your roof. Tree limbs can damage shingles or even penetrate the roof itself if they're too close to the house, which will lead to water getting into the insulation behind the exterior walls and eventually leaking into your home. To prevent leaks from your roof's shingles and seams and minimize the risk of damage to your home caused by a falling tree, keep the trees closest to your home trimmed especially during storm season. 

  1. Replace Damaged Shingles

Shingle damage is one of the most common causes of roof leaks. If any shingles are missing or damaged, they should be replaced immediately so that water can't penetrate through the roof membrane and cause damage. If the problem worsens, it could lead to roof replacement in the future.

Don’t Let Your Home Suffer from a Leaky Roof 

Roofs are designed to withstand wet, and cold conditions. However, they can still succumb to the elements as time passes, especially if you're not keeping an eye out for potential problems. If you're already struggling with leaking in your attic or other parts of your home, we can help come up with a solution.

For more information, contact Ridge Valley Exteriors at 844-741-7663. We service areas in Acworth and Kennesaw, GA, Raleigh, and Durham, NC.

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Carolyn Lynch

About the Author

Carolyn Lynch
Joined: January 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 61

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