Tips for picking healthy plants at a nursery

Posted by italiandelionline on January 20th, 2023

A beautiful, productive garden needs effort on your part, but it does not have to be overwhelming. Starting your garden with healthy and vigorous plants will give you a significant advantage. Healthy plants establish themselves more quickly and require less fussing and maintenance in the short and long term. 

At first glance, all of the plants in the nursery near me appear to be healthy, lush, and magnificent. They usually are. There are times, however, when a few quick checks can save you from bringing home a lemon. Take your time inspecting your purchase before introducing a problem into your garden. 

Some people are blessed with the knowledge to judge plants, however, some are not. Do not need to worry, below are some quick checks before you bring a plant home and plant it in your garden. 

Foliage: You are concerned with the condition of each specific plant that you are considering purchasing. Are the leaves lush, green, and shiny? Avoid any plants that are wilting or yellowing. This is especially true when purchasing annuals and buying vegetable plants online. These plants will not have time to recover. They could be in your garden for a month or more. 

Buy plants grown in small containers: Most people avoid nursery plants kept in small containers in favor of those kept in larger ones. The truth is that larger planters are not appropriate for all types of home decor. One of the primary reasons to select plants in small containers is that they are young and can better withstand transplanting activities. Smaller container nursery plants grow much faster than larger container nursery plants. 

Look for roots: Before getting the plant at home check the roots. Check the roots before getting them home as you may bring small snakes along with the plant as it is very hard to detect them. So, once you've completed all of the work, carefully loosen the soil from the pot and gently lift the plant out of the pot, inspecting the root systems to ensure they're healthy. If you are too afraid to do it, simply ask a nursery worker to do it for you. 

Check and read the plant label: Take a moment before purchasing a plant to read the label for important information that can save you from buyer's remorse later. Check to see how big it will get. Make sure it has enough space to grow, and you may need to prune it frequently. Check to see where it grows best. Labels may also include additional useful information. Make sure to arm yourself with these gardening basics the next time you go to the nursery. When you return home, you will have healthy plants that will thrive in your garden.

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