Unexpected Weight Gain Symptoms in Women

Posted by eliasmarc on February 9th, 2023

Unexpected weight gain occurs when you gain weight without adding your intake of food or fluids and without decreasing your activity. This happens when you aren't trying to gain weight. It's frequently because of fluid retention, abnormal growths, constipation, or pregnancy.
What's Unexpected Weight Gain?
Some types of weight gain are related to a natural process and not to a disease. However, unplanned or unwanted weight gain can become problematic and must be addressed. In most cases, putting more calories into your body than your body can use leads to unwanted weight gain.
Similarly, weight gain can also be a symptom of several disorders that affect any of several body systems, including the endocrine, cardiac, urinary, neurological, and respiratory systems. In particular, sudden and rapid weight gain can be a sign of dangerous levels of fluid retention in the body because of heart or kidney diseases.
Because most weight gain is a symptom of caloric intake over caloric need, you must get in the habit of paying attention to proper nutrition, go to weight loss center in Santa Fe New Mexico and developing a harmonious but varied diet.
One of the most common causes of unintentional weight gain during pregnancy. But many women eat more intentionally to support the growth of the baby. During pregnancy, most women gain weight as the baby grows. This additional weight consists of the baby, the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the increased blood flow, and the enlarged uterus.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Thyroid disorder
Ovarian cancer
Cushing's syndrome
Stress and Anxiety mood
Fluid retention
Heart failure
Your doctor will ask you several questions about your signs, life, and medical history. They can also take a blood sample to check hormone levels, kidney function, liver function, and other health markers that can show medical problems.
An imaging test similar as an ultrasound, plainX-ray, MRI, or CT scan may be necessary.
There are several ways to treat unintended weight gain. The best method of treatment depends on the cause of your unintended weight gain.
However, your doctor may prescribe medication to balance your hormone levels, If a hormonal imbalance is the cause. Medication will depend on the hormones affected. In the long run, these medications are also used.
However, your doctor will recommend alternative treatments, If a medication you're taking causes the problem.
When to visit a Doctor?
still, they should see their doctor, If people experience rapid and involuntary weight gain without an obvious cause.
The doctor will inquire about the medical history of the patient and any signs. They may perform a physical exam and blood tests or refer the person to a specialist.

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