Symptoms of migraine ? sneaky signs before the attack of a migrainePosted by Ankush Trivedi on July 1st, 2016 Have you noticed the sneaky signs of your migraine attack? Well, a person can experience many signs of amigraine attack. But, among them throbbing pain, high sensitivity to sound and light, vomiting, occasion nausea are tell-tale signs of a migraine attack. But people who have experienced torturous headache for the very first time, they cannot exactly identify the possible causes of a migraine attack. This is because the early symptoms of migraine occur 24 hours before the attack that leaves a migraine sufferer frightened and confused that something is going seriously wrong. In an attempt to help you identify the possible symptoms of migraine headache – here are some most common migraine phases that denote the onset of this attack. Common phases of migraine attack The Prodrome Stage A migraine attack consists of four stages. But not all migraine sufferers will experience all these four. The appearance of phase may differ from person to person. Prodrome is the first stage of a migraine attack and it may start anywhere between 12 to 24 hours. During this stage, you may experience a slight headache. According to the study of Buse, about 70 percent of people experience various symptoms of migraine at this stage which include…. • Diarrhea or constipation • Craving for food • Confusion • Irritability • Restlessness • Neck stiffness • Muscle stiffness • Yawning • Depression • Excess Fatigue Over the years, so many medications for migraine have been formulated, but still no definite cause has been established in respect of why a migraine occurs. The aura stage Right after prodrome stage, the second stage occurs which is called aura. This phase consists of a number of sensory signs. Studies have shown that one in five people experience this stage that lasts around 5 to 60 minutes. Still the symptoms of migraine may not be same for all migraine sufferers. It varies from person to person and changes over time. The chemical experts have defined this stage as a chemical or electrical wave that moves across the brain and processes visual signals. The most common visual symptoms at this stage include- • Vision impairment • Flashes of light • Black spots or shimmering spots • Tingling or numbness especially in the legs, arms and face • Mood change • Speech problem Generally, the symptoms of aura can be resolved quickly, but if they continue more than an hour, it is best to consult with a migraine specialist. Only a migraine specialist can provide you the right treatment at the right time. Therefore, to locate a migraine specialist in your area, you can click on this link Headache and post-drome At this stage, a pulsating or throbbing headache is no surprise. Some migraine suffers experience high sensitivity to light, sound and smell while others experience vomiting, nausea, insomnia, etc. The pain lasts up to 72 hours before the commencement of the final stage called post-drome. After the pain gradually disappears, some people feel depressed, while others feel drained of energy. When to consult with a migraine specialist? The good news for migraine sufferers is that there are a number of treatment options for migraine available that makes living with a migraine much easier. If you feel sudden sensitivity to light, sound, odor and nausea, it is the time to consult with a migraine specialist who holds many years of knowledge and experience in this field. Most of the migraine specialists suggest their patients to maintain a migraine diary where they can keep track of their migraine attacks and the things that trigger a migraine headache. To download a migraine diary, click on this link They also suggest change in some lifestyle habits that keep migraine symptoms at bay. Like it? Share it!More by this author |