An in-depth look into WebRTC and how it works.

Posted by Daniel Brown on February 17th, 2023

WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) is a mobile and desktop communication system that is open source. The technology is based on APIs that do not require plugins, and WebRTC has gained support from all major web browsers and operating systems since its first stable release in 2018.

According to the Coherent Market Insights website, the objective of the project is to "enable rich, high-quality RTC apps to be developed for the browser, mobile platforms, and IoT devices, and allow them all to communicate over a standard set of protocols".

WebRTC is built on several standards and protocols. It’s capable enough to be used for many purposes. But WebRTC is typically employed in real-time audio and video communications. It’s common for apps that use WebRTC to be browser-based. However, there are standalone apps like Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp that use WebRTC.

WebRTC is based on a number of standards and protocols. It's versatile enough to serve a variety of functions. However, WebRTC is most commonly used in real-time audio and video communications. Apps that employ WebRTC are often browser-based. Nonetheless, WebRTC is used by independent apps such as Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp.

The fact that WebRTC allows for person-to-person communication distinguishes it. This implies that WebRTC manages all of the complexities of connecting two devices directly and exchanging audio and video data in real-time. Given the prevalence of phone calls and video chat, this may appear straightforward. But, it is more complicated than many people realize.

We'll go over how it works in a moment. Yet, WebRTC's real-time communication features make it a suitable solution for almost any application that demands real-time communication.

What it’s Used for

WebRTC allows for real-time media communication in browsers and independent applications. WebRTC allows developers to insert audio and video chats straight into web pages without the end user having to install any browser plugins. Developers can also leverage WebRTC in real-time communications apps thanks to the WebRTC API suite.

Most individuals believe that WebRTC is insufficient for making actual landline phone calls. It is with Telnyx. Our WebRTC SDKs enable you to call any phone number in the globe directly from your browser.

How does WebRTC Work?

When you initiate a WebRTC audio or video call, your WebRTC app must connect to all of the other devices that will be participating in the call.

Before establishing a WebRTC connection, the WebRTC app must pass via your firewall and NAT. Firewalls and NAT devices function by assigning your computer a public IP address that is broadcast to the outside world and masks your private IP address.

Just your private IP address is known to your computer. As a result, the WebRTC app communicates with the STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) server to obtain your public facing IP address. The WebRTC software can then route the incoming connection to the correct IP address.

The WebRTC software collects the public facing IP address for the other devices that will be joining to the call after retrieving your public facing IP address from the STUN server. Once the software has all of the required IP addresses, it generates a list of potential connection configurations, also known as ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) candidates, and chooses the most efficient option.

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Daniel Brown

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Daniel Brown
Joined: September 22nd, 2022
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