Omnigrid InvisiGrip Roll

Posted by seomypassion12 on March 7th, 2023

Omnigrid invisible grip roll is a clear non-slip material that prevents rulers and templates from slipping while rotary cutting. It is invisible when applied and can be automatic gate removed without leaving residue.

It is sold in a roll and can back several rulers. It can be ordered from desertcart, which is a 100% legitimate online store operating in 164 countries.
Product Description

Omnigrid InvisiGrip is a clear, non-slip material that is applied to quilting rulers and templates to prevent slipping while rotary cutting. It is invisible when applied for clear viewing and removes easily without leaving a residue. Probably the most impressive feature of this gizmo is the way it enables you to see where your pieces are going without getting your hands all dirty. Alternatively, it can be used as a handy reference guide for your next project. It is available to buy from desertcart at the best price and fastest delivery time. 164+ countries with free shipping. The Omnigrid Invisi-Grip roll is a great addition to your tool box for all of your rotary cutting needs.
Product Details

Omnigrid Invisi-Grip is a clear, non-slip material that can be applied to the underside of rulers and templates to prevent them from slipping. Simply cut to size, peel off the paper backing and apply it to the underside of your ruler, cutting mat or template. It’s great for beginners who are just learning how to handle rulers. Once the Invisi-Grip has been placed, it’s easy to remove without leaving a residue on your fabric. This non-slip material can be used for both rotary cutting and quilting. Roll measures 12-1/2 by 36-inch.

Buy the Omnigrid Invisi-Grip Roll Original Version online at the best price in Suriname from desertcart, a leading international online shopping website that specializes in selling all types of products including clothing, jewelry, computers and much more. With desertcart, you can get the product delivered speedily to your doorstep in Suriname without having to worry about shipping, customs or duties. With 164+ countries worldwide and a 100% legitimate site, desertcart is the ideal choice for buying Omnigrid Invisi-Grip. You can also purchase a desertcart Plus membership to enjoy free shipping and discounts on future orders.
Customer Reviews

Omnigrid InvisiGrip is a clear, non-slip material that is applied to the underside of quilting rulers and templates to prevent them from slipping while rotary cutting. It is also invisible when applied for clear viewing and can be removed without leaving a residue. It is a cinch to apply and can help beginners get a grip on their rulers. It has been lauded as a useful and practical tool by several quilting enthusiasts who have used it. It can be found at desertcart where you can purchase it for a reasonable price and at a remarkably fast rate.

Desertcart is a leading online shopping portal that has been in operation since 2014. It carries a range of products from reputable brands and delivers them to your doorstep in a matter of days. You can check out the product reviews of other customers from the comfort of your home and buy it with confidence as all orders are 100% safe and secure.
Product FAQ

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