An Experts Guide to Maintaining Teak Garden Furniture

Posted by seomypassion12 on March 7th, 2023

If you have the time, there are many ways to treat Teak to ensure the original showroom colour stays. Any treatments must be applied to bare, clean and dry timber. Be aware that applying any treatment, even a clear finish, will enhance the original golden Teak colour so always test a small area out of sight first.

Due to the naturally high levels of rubber and silica found in A Grade Teak, any additional treatments are purely aesthetic and its negligible as whether it adds to the longevity of the furniture. In some cases it has been argued that Oils high in solvents can actually cause damage to the natural oils found in Teak.

There are many different qualities klebefolie schrank of timber treatments available on the market. Always try and use the highest quality within in your budget. Don't forget, you can get some great advice from your local timber merchants.

Teak Oil and Danish Oil

The most commonly requested treatment for Garden Furniture is Teak Oil. Teak Oil penetrates, feeds and seals bare timber, without leaving a surface film to chip or scratch and gives the timber a soft, satin sheen that is tough and durable.

Danish Oil is a blend of oils and resins which seals, feeds and finishes bare timber without leaving a surface film to chip or scratch. There is less sheen than Teak Oil and layers are built up gradually.

Always follow the manufacturers' instructions very carefully. In our experience, you will need to apply a minimum of 3 coats of oils within the first few weeks of purchase and you will then have to maintain the furniture with additional applications every few weeks if left outside unprotected.

As some parts of your furniture are more exposed than others, oils are absorbed at different rates. Oils cannot be re-applied to timber that has started to turn silver, damp or has become dirty.

Teak Restorers

To enhance the rich orange colour of Teak, apply a Restorer. As well as feeding and protecting the Teak, they also have additional colour. This works particularly well on very old teak that may be harder to bring back completely to bare timber.

Teak Sealers

Another way to maintain the original colour of Teak is to apply a Sealer. A sealer provides a film of protection over the timber and maintains the original colour. We recommend using a clear flexible exterior satin wood finish with ultraviolet and fungicide protection in the film. High quality sealers have special properties to prevent peeling, cracking and blistering. 3 coats will bring out and maintain a rich golden Teak colour for approximately 1 year.

Tip - Brushing the furniture with a white spirit before applying a treatment, will breakdown the top layer of oils and help the timber to absorb the initial coat of a treatment. This will reduce the drying time significantly.

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