Hidden Treasure in India Wiki

Posted by seomypassion12 on March 8th, 2023

In the southwestern state of Kerala, a treasure trove worth over US billion has been discovered in the secret subterranean vaults of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple.The hidden wiki It contains sacks of diamonds, gold coins, golden idols and other jewelry.

A court-appointed committee opened the underground vaults on 30 June 2011. A collection of gold, jewels, crowns, statues and other precious items was uncovered.
Son Bhandar Caves

Son Bhandar Caves, a famous ancient temple in the state of Bihar is a mysterious place. It is located on the Vaibhargiri hills and it is believed that there is a treasure buried here which no one has been able to find.

These caves are the oldest artificial Jain temples in India and they were built between the third and fourth centuries. They have polished surfaces, a characteristic of the Mauryan Empire which ruled South Asia from the late fourth to early 2nd century BC. They have also been dated to this period due to their inscriptions in Gupta script at the trapezoidal cave entrance.

The main cave is rectangular and it has a vaulted ceiling that stands on vertical walls, which rises up to 1.5 meters high. This is the same style as older Mauryan rock-cut sanctuaries.

According to legend, these caves housed a treasure that belonged to a mythical king named Jarasandha or Bimbisara. He had been a great king who was spiritually inclined and hosted Buddhist and Jain monks in his palace.

When Bimbisara was imprisoned by his son Ajatshatru, his wife hid all the treasures in these caves and handed it over to a Jain monk named Vaira Devan for sake keeping. The monk kept all the treasures in these caves and sealed them with a magic lock.

Despite the efforts of Mughal emperors and Britishers, who tried to usurp this treasure from these caves, they were unsuccessful. They even brought canons to blow them up but they were unable to break them.

The inscriptions etched on the cave wall spell out a password that when deciphered, will open the entrance to the treasure inside these caves. This is the same inscription that is found in other places as well but has never been deciphered yet.
Alwar Fort

Alwar is a city that oozes charm and beauty. It is surrounded by gorgeous havelis, colorful markets and majestic forts. If you are planning a vacation to India, then don’t miss this place. Located in Rajasthan, Alwar is home to several historical monuments that are worth a visit.

The famous Bala Quila Fort is situated atop the Aravalli Ranges, overlooking the town of Alwar. Originally built in the 15th century, it was under the rule of the Marathas, Yadavas and Kachwaha Rajputs at various times in its history. It is also known as the Young Fort, referring to its young age.

Despite its young age, this fort is quite a magnificent structure. It is a blend of Indian and Islamic styles of architecture with beautifully crafted walls that speak volumes about its past grandeur.

It is a sprawling structure that spans five kilometers and offers an expansive view of the city. The fort is perched on a cliff, which gives it a majestic look from a distance.

One can easily get to the fort from the city by car, train or bus. The nearest railway station is Alwar junction, which provides regular rail services to reach the fort from major cities across the country.

Once inside the fort, you can explore a variety of structures that have been erected within its premises. Some of them include the City Palace and the Vinay Vilas Mahal. The Palace is decorated with mirror work and murals on the walls.

Another structure to visit in the fort is the Salim Sagar Pond. It is located atop the cliff and has an amazing panoramic view of the city below.

The fort also has a number of temples and other notable buildings that are worth visiting. It is also home to numerous ponds and towers that offer a glimpse of its architectural beauty.

The fort is a fascinating sight to behold and you must not miss it when visiting Alwar. It is a must visit for all travelers who are looking forward to exploring the hidden treasure of India.
Jaigarh Fort

Located on the Cheel ka Teela, or Hill of Eagles, in the Aravalli range, Jaigarh Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has been preserved for its historical significance. It is an architectural masterpiece designed by the famous architect Vidyadhar. The fort is surrounded by thick red sandstone walls and has many features that can be explored.

The fort is also known for its garden, which is spread over a large area and is home to some beautiful plants. In fact, the garden is considered to be one of the most gorgeous and scenic gardens in India.

It is also well-known for its unique water harvesting system. This system includes several underground water tanks that were used to ensure there was always enough water available. These tanks were used to provide a constant supply of fresh water even during the hottest summers.

Another fascinating feature of the fort is its cannon foundry. The fort was a major center point for the production of cannons, and it also housed various other tools that were used in the making of these weapons.

During the time of Mughal rule, Jaigarh Fort was known as one of the world’s most proficient cannon foundries. It was mainly due to the rich iron ore mines in the region that contributed to its prosperity.

The fort was once the main residence of the royal family, and it was a strategic stronghold during times of war. It was protected by a complex of fortifications and was never captured.

It was also the base for several army commanders and was an important stronghold for Rajput warriors who could hide their weapons, treasure, and supplies without having to go out of Amer. In addition, it was a place where the royal family could escape during wars.

The fort is surrounded by massive battlements, and it is a popular destination among tourists. The fort is located 15 km from Jaipur, and is accessible by bus or taxi. It is best to visit during the winter season, when the temperature is lower and the weather is pleasant.
Kerala Temple

The rich culture, heritage and undying devotion of the people in Kerala are reflected in its numerous temples. These are visited by thousands of devotees from across the globe to seek blessings of God and get their desires fulfilled.

One of the most popular temples in Kerala is the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram, where a huge treasure trove of gold and silver has been found to be missing from its vaults. This is believed to have been accumulated over several thousand years and was stored by various kings of the Kingdom of Travancore, according to local legends.

This temple has a renowned history and is known for its majestic architecture, murals and stone carvings. It is also a famous destination for Hindu devotees and attracts tourists from all over the world.

A visit to this temple is a must when in Kerala. This temple is home to the deity Shiva and has been built in the Dravidian style of architecture. It has been a centre of religious learning for many generations and has an important role to play in the cultural, spiritual and educational life of the state.

It is one of the most famous Shiva temples in the country and it has a beautiful structure that attracts tourists all round the year. However, the maximum footfall of devotees is seen during Alpashy festival in October and November and Panguni festival in March and April.

The temple is located on a hill and it has a beautiful view of the surrounding forests. It is a must visit for all the tourists to Kerala and should be a part of their tour.

Another prominent temple in the state is the Vaikom Mahadeva temple which has been a center of pilgrimage since centuries. It is a must-see for devotees and it has a large Shiva Linga that is said to be from Treta Yuga.

This temple is a pious shrine and it has been regarded as the most sacred place in Kottayam. The temple also has a dedicated tank that is said to have the Hindu legend of Lord Shiva and his family worshipping Lord Vishnu attached to it.

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