World Youth Skills Day

Posted by sharnya on March 8th, 2023

World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day is observed on the fourth day of August each year to highlight the need to equip young people with skills for jobs and entrepreneurship. It is an international event that aims to encourage youth to participate in economic development by highlighting the efforts of governments and the private sector in promoting youth-friendly policies.

Promoting awareness

World Youth Skills Day is an annual event that brings together the youth of the world. The day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as an occasion to recognise the importance of skills development and vocational training in order to boost the global economy.

In addition to raising awareness about the importance of skills, the day is also a chance to engage with policymakers and businesses in order to create a more inclusive global workforce. Its aim is to address the challenges facing young people around the world and to make positive change.

This year's World Youth Skills Day theme is "Transforming Youth Skills for the Future". In addition to examining the ways in which youth empowerment is taking place in academics, the day will focus on the skills required for jobs in healthcare, quality care, and the sciences.

One of the most significant benefits of skills education is its contribution to economic growth and poverty eradication. A recent report by UNICEF and the Education Commission indicates that only one in four of young people aged 15 to 24 are on track to acquire job-specific skills. Considering that 85 per cent of jobs in 2030 will not be invented yet, it's essential to provide young people with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Highlighting efforts to equip young people with skills for jobs and entrepreneurship

On July 15, the United Nations will mark World Youth Skills Day, a global initiative that aims to highlight efforts to equip young people with skills for jobs and entrepreneurship. It will also bring together youth, employers, and development partners to discuss the role of young people in an ever-changing world.

Over the next decade, the number of jobs needed to meet the needs of the youth is expected to rise to 475 million. But youth unemployment remains a global problem, especially in developing nations. In addition, youth from minority groups, indigenous peoples, and poorer households continue to be excluded from the workforce.

The United Nations is also focusing on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which promotes economic growth and aims to ensure that all people have access to decent work and economic opportunity. The event will focus on the importance of skills, especially vocational training.

A new report from the Education Commission and UNICEF highlights that, in one in three low-income countries, at least 1 in 3 youth are not on track to acquire the skills they need to succeed in the job market. This is despite the fact that the report suggests that education at school age can create a level playing field in the future job market.

Observing in 2022 amid efforts towards socio-economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

World Youth Skills Day (2022) is an important opportunity to highlight the needs of the younger generations. The celebrations are aimed at highlighting the importance of skilling young people for employment. It also provides an opportunity for youth to engage with businesses.

According to a report published by the UNICEF and Education Commission, only one in four young people with available data is on track to acquire job skills. That means there is a need to increase education and training for the global workforce.

The pandemic has had a profound impact on global economies. It has affected all sectors of the economy, including the primary and secondary sectors. These sectors were impacted by supply chain bottlenecks, reduced productivity and demand shifts.

The energy and manufacturing sectors saw positive gains in productivity, but continued material shortages created a constraint on growth. This impacted the service and intellectual sectors, as well as retail and hospitality. Moreover, the pandemic has had a severe effect on healthcare, limiting access to products and services.

While the pandemic has left an indelible mark on the world, it has also catalyzed progress. A number of policy initiatives have been put in place to address youth unemployment. However, the public discourse remains divided on the progress of the pandemic.


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