Get Effective Treatments for Craniosynostosis & Plagiocephaly in New York!

Posted by italiandelionline on March 14th, 2023

Craniosynostosis and plagiocephaly are two cranial conditions that affect many children in New York. These conditions are often characterized by the abnormal growth of the skull and can cause a variety of developmental issues if left untreated. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for craniosynostosis and plagiocephaly available in New York.

Craniosynostosis is a condition where one or more of the sutures in a baby's skull close too early, causing the skull to become misshapen. The condition can be mild or severe, and in severe cases, it can lead to increased intracranial pressure and developmental delays. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for craniosynostosis in New York, including surgery and helmet therapy.

Surgery is the most common treatment for craniosynostosis. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the affected suture and reshapes the skull to a more normal shape. Surgery is typically recommended for children under six months old, as the bones are still soft and easy to reshape.

Helmet therapy is another treatment option for craniosynostosis. During helmet therapy, the child wears a specially designed helmet that applies gentle pressure to the skull, encouraging it to grow in a more normal shape. This treatment is typically used for children who are older than six months and have a milder form of the condition.

Plagiocephaly is another condition that can affect a baby's skull shape. Unlike craniosynostosis, plagiocephaly is not caused by the premature closure of a suture but rather by external forces on the skull. The condition can be caused by things like sleeping in one position too often or spending too much time in a car seat or swing.

The plagiocephaly treatment new york typically involves repositioning the baby's head and encouraging them to spend more time in different positions. This can be achieved through things like tummy time, changing the baby's sleeping position, and limiting time spent in car seats and swings. In some cases, helmet therapy may also be recommended.

If you suspect that your child may have craniosynostosis or plagiocephaly, it's important to consultOrthoses Specialistsas soon as possible. Early plagiocephaly and craniosynostosis treatment new york can help prevent developmental delays and ensure that your child's skull grows in a more normal shape.If you have concerns about your child's skull shape, be sure to speak with an experienced and StarBand-certified orthoses specialist at to explore your options for treatment.

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