10 Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Posted by Kaira Turner on March 20th, 2023

SEO is an important part of successful online visibility, and SEO agencies are a great way to get the help you need. In this article, we’ll discuss five of these common SEO errors and how you can avoid them when engaging an SEO agency. These mistakes include keyword research mistakes, on-page optimization mistakes, technical SEO, as well as content marketing mistakes. Avoiding these common pitfalls with careful planning and sufficient research will ensure that your SEO agency helps generate the results your business needs.

Keyword Research Mistakes

Conducting keyword research is a crucial element of any digital marketing strategy, yet many marketers still make basic errors when researching keyword phrases. Here are the main mistakes when you research the keywords.

Keyword stuffing and not targeting long-tail keywords

The most common mistake is keyword stuffing. Using too many keywords in the content to manipulate search engine rankings. An equally egregious error is neglecting to target long-tail keywords, which may offer fewer searches but attract more targeted leads. Focusing on user intent is also key to keyword research success. Without considering how a keyword phrase relates to the user’s query and interests, you could end up creating content that fails to attract the right audience. Successful keyword research demands time and skill – so consider keyword intent and volume before taking your campaign live.

On-page Optimization Mistakes

As an SEO company in Portland, we understand how poorly optimized titles and meta descriptions, as well as neglecting image optimization, can negatively impact your website's performance. On-page optimization plays a crucial role in maximizing your SEO potential, yet it's surprising how many business owners overlook the importance of properly optimizing their web pages.

Poorly optimized titles and meta descriptions

Poorly optimized titles and descriptions simply look unprofessional - search engines prioritize well-structured content with accurate, useful information that ultimately improves the user experience.

Ignoring header tags and structured data markup

Ignoring header tags and structured data markup is an all-too-common SEO mistake that can have a serious impact on website performance. Header tags are HTML elements used to indicate the importance of content, while structured data markup helps search engines understand what type of content is being displayed on your site. By neglecting these important elements, you risk sending mixed signals to search engine algorithms which could lead to poor ranking results.

To avoid this issue, ensure that all pages include properly optimized header tags as well as accurate and up-to-date structured data markup. Doing so will ensure that your web pages are correctly indexed by search engine bots and more likely to appear in relevant searches.

Neglecting image optimization

Neglecting to optimize images can drastically impede visibility in search engine rankings, as they are required for a website to fully benefit from optimization strategies. Unoptimized images can make it difficult for search bots to accurately crawl and index the page, resulting in decreased traffic and low placement on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Additionally, images that are not properly compressed can increase page load times, leading to potential visitors bouncing away before even viewing the content. Optimizing images requires adjusting the file size so it’s more manageable and ensuring the ALT tags accurately describe its contents. Doing so will help ensure that your images rank well for relevant queries and improve user experience.

Technical SEO Mistakes

Technical SEO mistakes can be devastating for website owners if they go unnoticed. Slow page speed, poor mobile responsiveness, and broken links can significantly affect a website's rankings in search engines, while duplicate content issues can confuse search engine algorithms.

Slow page speed and poor mobile responsiveness

Slower page speeds can lead to fewer conversions due to increased bounce rates, while poor mobile responsiveness can deter visitors on smaller devices such as tablets and phones.

Broken links and crawl errors

Broken links and crawl errors can slow down the indexing process of search engine bots, resulting in decreased visibility on SERPs. To avoid this issue, website owners should regularly audit their websites for broken links, outdated content, and other errors that could impact performance. Additionally, creating a sitemap for search engines to reference can help keep track of all pages on a website and ensure that search engine crawlers are able to identify any issues quickly. Properly optimizing internal links can also help boost your website's rankings as it helps search engines understand the relevance of each page and its contents.

Duplicate content issues

Duplicate content issues like content scraping and syndication-originated pages create confusion for search engine algorithms when determining which version of a page should rank higher in SERPs.

These factors contribute to an overall decline in organic traffic from search engines, making it essential that website owners take all necessary steps to ensure their websites are optimized correctly. This includes taking steps such as deploying compression tools to reduce page speed loading times, using responsive design techniques for mobile compatibility, and checking for broken links & crawl errors regularly. It is also important that businesses monitor for any content scraping or other forms of duplication so that the source remains visible on the web.


Overall, website owners need to take all necessary steps to ensure their websites are optimized correctly. This includes taking steps such as deploying compression tools to reduce page speed loading times, using responsive design techniques for mobile compatibility, and checking for broken links & crawl errors regularly.

Additionally, image optimization should be taken into account when creating content to improve user experience and increase visibility on SERPs. Finally, monitoring for any content scraping or other forms of duplication will help make sure the source remains visible on the web. Overall, website owners need to work with professional SEO agencies and companies to ensure their websites are optimized correctly. Hiring a Denver SEO agency or an SEO company in Orlando, for example, can reduce the time and expertise needed to properly optimize a website.

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Kaira Turner

About the Author

Kaira Turner
Joined: November 4th, 2022
Articles Posted: 423

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