Have You Considered Mobile Apps To Boost Your Business?

Posted by Sphinx Solution on March 22nd, 2023

Did you know that there are over 5 billion smartphone users now worldwide? Among those mobile users, 86% spend their time in apps more than the web.

If these statistics prove anything, it’s that businesses need an effective mobile strategy that goes well beyond creating a mobile-friendly website to engage and interact with their audience. Let’s get into it in more detail—why does it pay to invest time and money into making a mobile app? How can it boost your business? Are there immediate and long-term returns? Let’s take a look at all the reasons below:

1. A mobile app creates a new channel that helps drive marketing growth for your company

Mobile apps essentially serve as a new channel where you can introduce your brand to new audiences, inform existing customers, and engage them consistently to build loyalty.

An app can work as a platform that allows you to easily push content to customers—from announcements to special sales and exclusive promotions—straight to the palm of their hand. Apps are primarily accessible through mobile devices, something that your audience uses daily. That said, you basically get a direct opportunity to interact with them and maintain visibility.

It’s also a great way to reinforce branding and build recognition for your business. Think of a mobile app as like a blank canvas. You have every opportunity to design and write it to highlight your brand’s aesthetic and values.

Of course, this means your app should provide something useful and valuable for your users; which leads us to the second point.

2. A mobile app provides value for customers

Creating a mobile app for the sole intent of moving your bottomline should not be your main and only objective. Your goal is for audiences to take notice of your app, download it, and use it so you can effectively establish the value that you’re giving them.

Once it’s clear that they get tangible value from the time they spend using your mobile app, it’s easier to build loyalty among your audience. The value provided varies from one industry to the next. Therefore, be sure to get to know your audience and understand what they really want and need, filling that gap for them through your mobile app.

3. A mobile app can empower and solidify customer loyalty

Hinging off the previous point, the kind of value that you’re able to provide customers is critical in your effort to build loyalty among your customers.

Keep in mind, you have a lot of competition out there. Apart from all the other mobile apps available for download, there’s a lot of noise that’s competing for your audience’s attention, online and off. Because of this, it’s easy for companies to get drowned out and just blend in with the sea of businesses trying to push their products and services to their desired audience.

Take the time to build a mobile app that offers real value, so customers recognize it as a brand going above and beyond expectations. This helps establish a sense of loyalty among customers. For example, digitizing your loyalty program ensures that your customers get to download and use your mobile app consistently every time they purchase your product or use your service. If you regularly push relevant information that your audience needs, you become a reliable source that they constantly go to. If you offer regular discounts and bonuses through regular app use, you guarantee that your app is constantly opened while building value and relevance for your brand.

4. A mobile app gathers important analytics your business can use

Mobile apps are more than just a way to interact and engage with your audience. You can also collect a lot of useful data that your business can use to make more informed and insightful decisions.

For example, you get to discover what kind of information your audience really wants in order to better develop relevant content to engage them. Find out what product or service your customers want so you can spotlight it. You also get to learn how much time they spend on the app, understand their behavior and can use this information to further improve the user experience.

There’s a lot of opportunity in mobile app development for businesses. If you still don’t currently have one, you’re missing out on maximizing its potential for business growth. If you’re in the market for a partner who can guide you through the process, be sure to get in touch with us.

We have a team of 80+ highly-skilled developers, UI and UX designers, project managers, and technology consultants who want to help you leverage mobile apps to address your customers’ needs.

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Sphinx Solution
Joined: June 20th, 2022
Articles Posted: 208

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