Sardine requires a single ingredient

Posted by lowes Emily on March 23rd, 2023

Fear not: this is not an RNG drop from field boss Tarsila, though Lost Ark Gold is located in her lair nearby, which is in Lake Eternity. Rather, it is, once again, an easy "pick up and consume" cooking collectible. It can be interacted with just to the left of the large egg.

RELATED: Lost Ark: Where To Find All Rethramis Cooking Recipes

Do be wary of the Small Cave Spiders on top of the ingredient’s location. They have relatively quick spawn timers that can easily ruin your day if you’re not fast. So, be sure to pick the egg up right after killing them, else you run the risk of getting interrupted.

Sardine requires a single ingredient: Sapphire Sardine. This can be bought for 777 silver from Shushire’s wandering merchant, Jeffrey. While the picture above indicates his possible spawn locations, we’ve got a nice list of all wandering merchants’ locations and spawn times, so be sure to check out that article here.

Anyway, once you’ve procured the Sapphire Sardine from him, head on over to cook Helena in Frozen Sea. She’s conveniently right next to one of the triports.

Now here comes the true RNG fest of Shushire’s cooking collectibles. Go to Bartender Isabelle in Rigen’s Village (Golden Anglerfish Casino, to be precise), and buy a generous amount of Giant Ice Pieces for 150 silver each, which she sells under her “Ingredients” tab (not her “cooking” tab). Though, honestly, you’ll probably be back for more. After you think you’ve got enough, make your way to cook Helena to craft Broken Ice Piece (you would think you could break them yourself, no?). It’s a one-for-one trade, so one Giant Ice Piece becomes one Broken Ice Piece, but here’s where the RNG enters Lost Ark Gold for sale: there is a chance for each craft to create a Chopped Ice Piece instead.

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lowes Emily

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lowes Emily
Joined: June 24th, 2022
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