How can I get safewow free 1000M wow gold giveaway promo on 7.13@3.00gmtPosted by kelljackson on July 7th, 2016 I know people are ready for Legion but I thought the Draenor dungeons were all fun! Each dungeon had something unique that was surprising the first time around. And yeah after running them hundreds of times they get a little old but not because of lack of quality it's always been the same with all the dungeons in all expansions. Do anything enough times and it get's old. That's why I can't level fishing. Draenor Dungeons Event comes on July 6-11,defeating enemies in any level 100 Heroic or Mythic dungeon will award reputation with an appropriate Draenor faction.Grimrail Depot is by far my favorite! All of the boss fights are great and being on a moving train kept it intense through the whole dungeon. Fighting with the wind pushing you back and jumping in and out of cannons. I felt like that fight was a great show of intensity but not so difficult that most can't figure it out. I Really Enjoyed first boss in Auchindoun dropping the shield and thinking "I should probably get behind that". and the layout of the map, teleporting to the Teron'gor and having a run in with him. Last boss in Everbloom was pretty epic! Running in with all the NPC's and fighting them off as they pass through the portal! Also love love the design of that boss. Those are sweet looking creatures! It was really great in all the rest to see different locations throughout Draenor and playing through the story to have the culmination of the zone in one of the dungeons. Overall great job Blizzard keep it up and I look forward to Legion! Enjoy safewow Free 1000000K WOW Gold and 50M Neverwinter AD Giveaways for Draenor Dungeons Event at 03:00GMT on July 13, 2016.the detail: 1.Time:03:00 a.m. GMT on July 13, 2016. 2.There will be 50 portions of 10000k WOW US gold and 50 portions of 10000k WOW EU gold;50 portions of 500k Neverwinter ad PC and 50 portions of 500k Neverwinter ad xbox 4.Everyone is only allowed to get one portion of 10000K cheap wow gold and 500k Neverwinter ad free of charge 5.activity link: Buying Safewow fast and cheap Wow Mounts/Pets for legion comes!!Welcome to join Safewow using 10% off code WED for cheap WOW gold every Wednesday.Never miss 8% discount code FM8OFF for buying wow gold from safewow anytime!Like it? Share it!More by this author |