Lost Ark is already a huge success for Amazon

Posted by lowes Emily on March 30th, 2023

It has been eight years since Dragon Age Inquisition. Sorry to make you feel old Lost Ark Gold. I was 14 when it came out, just to rub it in. But according to reporter Jeff Grubb, Dragon Age 4 is looking to launch in late 2023, so you won’t have to wait another decade to fight side-by-side with steaming elven terrorists and hot dwarven queers. I mean, to play a beloved BioWare RPG. Ahem.

Players Spent More Time And Money In Far Cry 6, So Ubisoft Wants To Make Games Even Longer

“Dying Light will take 500 hours to beat!” Techland cried, annoying everyone who works, goes to school, or does anything even remotely time-consuming. “Horizon Forbidden West will take 300 hours to beat!” Guerrilla chimed in, annoying everyone again. But long games aren’t going anywhere. In fact, Far Cry 6 was a bigger success for Ubisoft than 5, making them more money as players spent more time in-game. That correlation has led Ubisoft to come to one conclusion - bigger is better. You know the old saying, quantity over quality?

Lost Ark is already a huge success for Amazon, but it isn't without problems. Players report that chats are being flooded with bots selling in-game gold for real money.

There isn't much you can do about it other than blocking the bots as they pop up to peddle their websites, but it's a big game of whack-a-mole. You strike one down, another ten take its place, and it's in part to how buy Lost Ark Gold differs in the West.

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lowes Emily

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lowes Emily
Joined: June 24th, 2022
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