Why are Ear Infections So Common?

Posted by Denise Connor on April 5th, 2023

Ear infection refers to an inflammation or infection of one's ear. This condition can be very severe and cause a tear to the eardrum. Ear infections usually start in the ear from an infection in another area of the body. This then spreads to the inner ear. It could be viral or bacterial in nature, but 75% of children will have at least one ear infection before the age of 3. Almost half of children suffer from three or more ear infections by the time they turn 3. This condition is common and it is important to understand the causes of ear infections.

Chronic ear infections can lead to recurring symptoms such as ear pain, discharge and muffled hearing. It is easier to treat a recurring infection if you know the source.

How often you get infected can depend on how resistant your body is to disease. It is common for infections in the ears to occur after a cold or flu. To reduce these cases, read latest post and know why it is important that you increase your immunity. Low immunity may be caused by poor diet, stress, smoking or an underlying condition.

Low immunity can lead to low-grade infections that last weeks or even months. Although antibiotics may temporarily reduce the bacteria population, if the root cause is not addressed, the infection could return. Antibiotics may also lead to bacterial resistance. This means that your next dose of antibiotics might not be as effective.

Even though ear infections can occur in adults, they are more common in children. This is because their immune system is not as developed. This is combined with the fact the Eustachian tubes are shorter and straighter in children than they are in adults, and it can lead to inflammation in the middle ear. Both adults and children have the Eustachian tube closed, but it opens frequently to replenish and/or ventilate the middle ear. This adjusts the middle ear pressure to reflect changes in the environment.

If the Eustachian tube is blocked, such as from mucus from a cold or other reasons, it can't open to ventilate your middle ear. Fluid can build up in the air when this happens. The fluid builds up in the middle of the ear, making it a perfect breeding ground for infection. The adenoids are also larger in children than in adults. A large number of cells in the adenoids fight infection. The Eustachian tube may not open properly due to the size of the Eustachian tubes. This can lead to infection that spreads to the middle ear.

There are several things that happen when bacteria enters the middle ear via the Eustachian tube. To fight the bacteria, white cells build up in the area. The white cells will die once the bacteria has been killed. This can cause pus formation. The eardrum and middle bones can't move properly if there is pus in the ear. Infection symptoms can lead to severe pain. This pus can cause severe pain and pressure to the eardrum. It is a good idea to take your child to the doctor if you suspect they have an ear infection. It's always safer to be safe than sorry.

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Denise Connor

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Denise Connor
Joined: March 20th, 2020
Articles Posted: 295

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