Buy Tempered Glass and Acrylic Shielding System for Clear Vision and Better Safe

Posted by reez thomas on July 12th, 2016

Ice Hockey is a fast, fluid, and exciting team sport. It draws big crowds at the Olympic Games thanks to the drama and tension of the matches. Ice Hockey is played with two opposing teams wearing ice skates. Unless there is a penalty, each team only has six players on the ice rink at a time. The aim of the game is to knock the hockey puck into the opposing team’s net. The origin of Ice Hockey is unknown, however, Ice Hockey probably evolved from the game of field hockey that has been played in Northern Europe for centuries.

Nowadays, Ice Hockey has become a sport which is attracting a large number of kids as well as adults. Therefore, there are a number of facilities which offer indoor Ice Hockey playing arenas where people can come to practice or learn this exciting game. Even there is a gigantic horde of spectators who come to watch the match live, predominantly with so many sporting events being televised and broadcast globally. From dasher boards to shielding systems, there are a number of tools that goes into the making of a suitable indoor rink.

The crash of the boards, the slap of the puck; sights and sounds that drive hockey fans wild and the only thing standing between them and a speedy hockey puck is a spectator shielding. Much of the speed and excitement ends up crashing into the spectator shielding above dasher panels. A solution of these issues is taking hold with indoor arenas as they being to make the switch from seamless glass to tempered glass and acrylic shielding systems. Most facility providers prefer to buy shielding for Ice Hockey for many reasons such as they reduce player injury and complaints and ease facility changeovers.

Another reason to get tempered glass and acrylic shielding at many hockey rinks is to provide player and spectator with safety. While tempered glass or acrylic supported dasher systems absorb impact well, they have also been said that they provide louder and more exciting impact sounds for fans and spectators. As players wrestle for puck control against the boards, fans are able to hear the on-ice excitement better with these systems due to shock absorbing movement of the system. Because of the impact absorption, movement impact volume is amplified and grabs fan attention, enhancing the level of excitement of the game. So, provide the spectators and players with world-class clarity and safety by installing tempered glass or acrylic shielding at your Ice Hockey rink facility.

About The Author

Author is an online blogger. This article is about the reasons to buy shielding for Ice Hockey. For more information visit :

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reez thomas

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reez thomas
Joined: February 24th, 2016
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