Helpful Suggestion To Use In A Drunk Driving Accident Claim

Posted by Alan Finkel on May 2nd, 2023

Making a strong case after experiencing a car accident can depend on the tangible proof you collect and use for your claim. The evidence that you can use after a drunk driving accident will be a bit distinctive compared to what you might use in any other kind of claim. This difference is caused by the fact that there is a criminal component behind the cause of your accident.

Criminal Evidence Used In Civil Claims

The driver who crashed into you while intoxicated was committing the crime of driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated, depending on where you live. If the police reacted to reports of your crash, then the driver should have been detained and charged with either of these crimes. Assuming that the criminal case against that driver progressed as usual, they should have later been tried for the crime and perhaps sentenced.

Distinctive Types Of Proof That Might Apply To A Drunken Driving Accident Claim:

  • Police report: The police officers who respond to an accident often create traffic crash reports which comprise of information that can be used to support a claim. The reports that they compose and submit later that day, perhaps at the end of their shift, can recall statistics or data that you might have forgotten or ignored yourself. Also, traffic crash reports will sometimes specify who the police officer believes was the party responsible for triggering the crash, every so often labeling the at-fault party as Party 1 in the report. If you hire the local Personal Injury Attorney New York to work on your claim, then they can use their knowledge with local agencies and departments to more easily get a copy of those police reports.
  • Blood Alcohol Concentration test result: When a highway patrol officer suspects that a driver who was in a crash is intoxicated, they may ask that driver to take a field sobriety test. If an arrest was prepared, then the driver will also likely take a blood alcohol concentration test when taken to the station. The results of that blood alcohol concentration test will show the intoxication levels of that driver to a methodically accurate degree. Using the blood test result in your claim can better formulate that the other driver was surely experiencing inebriation and, consequently, should be found accountable for your damages.
  • Courtroom evidence: There might be other numerous forms of evidence used in the criminal trial against the drunk driver that could become helpful to a civil claim if used by a Personal Injury Attorney New York. For instance, eyewitness evidences presented in court can disclose interesting and distinctive information that could have been missed otherwise in the course of your claim.

Turning Evidence Into A Conclusive Claim

Receiving the evidence of a driver’s intoxication from a criminal court or procedure is one thing. Using that proof in a way that makes sense in a personal injury claim is something else completely. To form your claim positively and without putting anxiety on yourself, you should talk with a local drunk driving Personal Injury Attorney about what happened. A lawyer can act on your behalf as your case grows, turning it into a claim that truly represents the costs and hardships you have experienced.

Author Bio      

Personal Injury Attorney in Utica, NY have dedicated their lives to the craft and stand by your side throughout the entire case, should you have any questions or concerns about the process.

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Alan Finkel

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Alan Finkel
Joined: August 16th, 2022
Articles Posted: 129

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