How To Treat Excessive Sweating Through Home Remedies?

Posted by molanparker on July 12th, 2016

Do you sweat all the time? Do you feel embarrassed due to your soaking armpits and drenched hands? Do you feel that you are sweating more than normal? Do you avoid social situations just because you sweat too much? If so, you might be suffering from the condition called hyperhidrosis. Sweating is a natural cooling and temperature regulating system of the body but when this system starts working abnormally it leads to excessive sweating. The sweat glands become hyperactive which leads to the production of excessive perspiration.

There are numerous factors which cause excessive sweating. It affects approximately 1% of the total global population mainly affecting face, palms of the hand, sole of feet, armpits and genital areas. In rare cases, may affect the complete body.

Excessive sweating can be stopped through many ways ranging from the changing personal hygiene habits to home remedies to medical treatments. Here are some of the home remedies to control excessive sweating.

  1. Apple cider vinegar: It possesses the astringent properties which help to control the excessive sweating. It balances the pH levels especially in armpits and feet, which helps in getting rid of bacteria.

Take a small amount of apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. Dilute with little water if irritation occurs.

For feet, take the half cup of apple cider vinegar and mix it with 1 litre of water. Soak you feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes regularly.

  1. Lemon: It is another effective way to stop excessive sweating. Due to the presence of citric acid, it eliminates bacteria and the pleasant odour makes it a natural deodorant. The best time to use this remedy is at night.

Take 1 lemon. Cut it in half and rub the piece in your armpits while gently squeezing lemon juice or you can use the cotton ball to apply the juice. You can either leave it overnight or can wash it after 15 -30 minutes.

  1. Black tea: It has the tannic acid which possesses antiperspirant and astringent properties. It helps in controlling excessive sweating. Take black tea bags and steep for 15-20 minutes in hot water. Then dip a cotton washcloth and apply it to underarms or any affected area or soak feet or hands in the solution for 15-30 minutes on the regular basis.
  2. Baking soda: Sweating has acids which allow bacteria to grow. Due to the alkaline nature of Baking soda, it counteracts with acids lowering the pH levels of the sweaty body parts while acting as a natural deodorant. Use of baking soda is simple, just take a small amount and sprinkle on the affected areas. Dust off the excessive baking soda. You can also combine equal quantities of baking soda and cornstarch and can dust to control sweating.
  3. Chamomile: It has the antibacterial, antiperspirant, astringent and deodorant properties which make it ideal for excessive sweating. The astringent properties of chamomile help to restrict the sweat glands while its deodorant properties prevent bad odour.

Take hot water and steep chamomile herb for few minutes in it. Drink this tea daily or alternatively, you can also soak the cotton ball in it and apply on the affected area regularly.

Trying out these simple and easy remedies will surely help with the excessive sweating along with changing the lifestyle habits. But if you still feel that it is not helping you can seek the hyperhidrosis treatment from professional practitioners at

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