Boost Your Mental Health with a Personal Lush Green Haven

Posted by Prince's Landscape Pte Ltd on May 29th, 2023

In today’s concrete jungle, it is crucial to surround yourself with a nurturing environment abundant with solace and bliss. We all crave an escape from this dog-eat-dog world but often end up frustrated and in a deeper rabbit hole of anxiety and stress. One of the latest studies by CIGNA HEALTH CARE based in Singapore shows that 86% of adults are stressed, which is above the global average of 82%. All this talk, however, sounds pretty grim. So, let’s find out how to create a lush green haven to improve your mental health significantly:


Every first-time gardener is bound to be overwhelmed by the variety of plant nurseries in Singapore. To overcome this issue, here are some plants that are not only low maintenance but also have psychological and physiological benefits:

  • Monstera Or Swiss Cheese Plant:

This plant is an excellent choice for your home for several reasons. Its large, glossy leaves with unique perforations create a striking visual impact, adding a touch of tropical beauty to any space. The best part is Monstera can adapt to different light conditions, from bright indirect light to low light areas, making it suitable for various rooms in your home. Moreover, it requires moderate watering and occasional pruning, which makes the plant a splendid companion for all workaholics.

  • Mother-In-Law’s Tongue Or The Snake Plant:

For all intrepid explorers, this plant is your holy grail. It not only detoxifies the surrounding air but also needs to be watered only once a month.

  • Aloe Vera:

Also known as the shaman of the plant world, Aloe Vera’s distinctive succulent leaves store water, making it highly resilient and easy to care for. The plant thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions as well. Apart from its ornamental appeal, it offers a range of practical benefits. The gel inside its leaves has medicinal properties, soothing sunburns, and treating skin irritations. In addition Aloe Vera is also known for its air-purifying qualities, removing toxins and improving indoor air quality.


We are often bound to the four walls of our apartment after toiling at work. It is often said that walking on grass helps boost energy and alleviates your mood. Carpet grass is a great alternative for you to enjoy and recuperate from the hard toiling day by sitting on your carpeted lawn or balcony and reading a book.

Carpet grass in Singapore is become quite the hype now because it requires less water and fertiliser as compared to other grass types. It forms a dense, low-growing carpet-like cover, providing an attractive and uniform green appearance for your aesthetics.


Green walls, also known as living walls or vertical gardens have become Singapore’s new décor sweet heart! They enhance the air quality, provide natural cooling effects and improve biodiversity. The ultimate win-win is these green walls enhance the aesthetics of your buildings and create a visually appealing and tranquil environment to reduce stress and promote relaxation.


In today’s world the words of the father of national parks John Muir, prove to be priceless “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” We can survive such grueling environment only by surrounding ourselves with a sanctuary of greenery.

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Prince's Landscape Pte Ltd

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Prince's Landscape Pte Ltd
Joined: August 31st, 2022
Articles Posted: 82

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