What are the advances in vitiligo treatment?

Posted by John Smith on June 13th, 2023

Vitiligo Treatment is not contagious, it does not hurt and, although it can sometimes be associated with other pathologies, it is a fundamentally aesthetic disorder that does not endanger the patient's life. This has meant that even the dermatology community itself has sometimes made the mistake of not giving it the attention it really deserves.

However, precisely because it is a pathology with fundamentally aesthetic repercussions, vitiligo has enormous emotional repercussions. It must be borne in mind that most patients do not have the luck of Winnie Harlow, the Canadian model who has made her vitiligo her hallmark to stand out on the catwalks, and must face difficult situations every day because of those white spots that are spread over his body and face.

Stress, anxiety, and depression... are quite common among patients with vitiligo, who sometimes find it difficult to find work or establish social relationships.

For this reason, we have dermatologists specialized in the treatment of vitiligo who have extensive training and experience in managing this disease.

Does vitiligo have a treatment?

Vitiligo has a treatment and there are very satisfactory options for patients. Of course, there are no magic treatments, so you should be completely wary of any therapy that promises quick and permanent improvements because currently, these statements do not conform to reality.

This is so because melanocytes, which are the cells we want to regenerate, are highly specialized cells, such a way that the process of multiplying, differentiating, moving to the part of the skin where they perform their function and starting to produce pigment. It takes them a few weeks. Without forgetting that currently, even when the treatment is effective, it is possible that the results do not last or new spots appear.

It is also important to highlight the importance of carrying out an early diagnosis of vitiligo for two fundamental reasons. The first is that the sooner it is detected and the sooner treatment begins, the greater the probability that the patient will respond to the therapies.

On the other hand, vitiligo can be confused with other disorders such as pityriasis alba, tinnitus Versicolor, or hypomelanosis in droplets. This confusion has an impact on the fact that the appropriate treatments are applied late, a factor that can harm the patient's prognosis.

Today, vitiligo can be treated with Monobenzone or Benoquin. Call us for more information about our unique products.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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