Become a Trained Assessor/Evaluator after Having the Right Qualification from TAQA-Suite

Posted by Alzbeta berka on June 29th, 2023

The TAQA-(Training, Assessment, and Quality-Assurance) acronym does not stand for a single qualification. It stands for a collection of courses or qualifications. These courses are suitable for those who want to train, assess and verify the vocational qualifications and training programs. This particular acronym was previously used by the City & Guilds for ‘Education & Training, Assessment, and IQA-(Internal-Quality-Assurance)’ suite. The latest version of TAQA-suite of qualifications consists of the updated version of Assessor-A1 qualification (for NVQ-assessor) and Verifier-V1 qualification (for Internal Verifiers and Practitioners).

The ‘Training, Assessment, and Quality-Assurance’ suite of qualifications includes both Level-3 and Level-4 qualifications. Both Level-4 and Level-3 qualifications are made of competence-based and knowledge-based units. The training qualifications within the TAQA-suite are ideal for individuals who are teaching/tutoring the adults or want to be a part of this field of profession.

The TAQA-suite is made of two qualifications for training, such as Level-3 AET (formerly known as PTLLS) and Level-4 CET (formerly known as CTLLS). You benefit from having the AET qualification if you want to teach/train the 17-year-old learners or adults in your industry. To achieve the Level-4 CET qualification, you have to work as a teacher/trainer in further (post-16) education. Your trainer has to observe you teaching the students in real life if you want to achieve the Level-4 CET qualification and this is a mandatory requirement.

The Level 3 Assessor TAQA course is made of four qualifications - CAVA, AVRA, ACWE and UPPA. Each of these qualifications serves a different purpose and all of them consist of three units. You can become a fully qualified assessor if you complete three units of the CAVA-course. On the other hand, you are qualified to fulfil a part of the role of a trained assessor/evaluator if you complete any of the other three qualifications, such as UPPA, AVRA and ACWE. The three units of the aforementioned qualifications cover the following topics.

1st Unit

You have complete understanding of the principles and practices of assessment.

2nd Unit

You learn to assess the occupational competence within any work environment.

3rd Unit

You learn to evaluate the knowledge, vocational skills and understanding of each individual.

The Quality-Assurance segment of the TAQA-suite consists of three different types of IQA-qualifications. These are Level-4 qualifications instead of Level-3 qualifications. Therefore, they represent a higher level of learning in comparison to the learning of assessor-courses. The role of an internal-quality assessor/evaluator is a step-up from the role of an assessor/evaluator. Each IQA-qualification consists of three units which enables you -

1st Unit - To have an understanding of the principles and practices of internal-quality-assurance

2nd Unit – To learn how to internally assure the standard of assessment

3rd Unit – To plan, distribute and observe the work in your area of responsibility

The theory-only Internal Quality Assurance IQA Course is made of one unit. The ‘Internal-Quality Assurer’ qualification is made of two units. The IQA-course that offers a certificate to the learner after completion and is regarded as the lead IQA-qualification is made of three units.

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Alzbeta berka

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Alzbeta berka
Joined: December 25th, 2017
Articles Posted: 269

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