Review: Frustration in Writing - 2023

Posted by Finley Harrison on July 7th, 2023

Introduction has been making waves in the writing industry as a powerful AI writing tool that claims to revolutionize the writing process. With its advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, promises to assist users across various domains, including content creation and essay writing. However, a closer examination of the tool reveals some questionable aspects that raise concerns among users.

The Reality Behind the Hype

Lackluster Essay Generation

One of the key features of is its essay generator, which supposedly delivers unique essays in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, many users have found the generated essays to be subpar in terms of quality and coherence. The tool often produces disjointed sentences, inaccurate information, and fails to meet the desired academic standards. Relying solely on's essay generator may put users at risk of submitting mediocre or even plagiarized content.

Plagiarism Checker: Not as Reliable as Advertised boasts a plagiarism checker as part of its feature set. However, user feedback suggests that this feature is far from reliable. While it may detect some instances of blatant plagiarism, it often overlooks more subtle forms of content duplication. Users are strongly advised to supplement's plagiarism checker with trusted external tools to ensure the originality of their work.

Inadequate Summarizer

Another touted capability of is its summarizer, designed to condense lengthy texts into concise summaries. Regrettably, users have reported unsatisfactory results with this feature as well. The summarizer tends to omit essential information, leading to incomplete and often nonsensical summaries. Relying on's summarizer could be detrimental, especially when accuracy and clarity are of utmost importance.

Turbo Speed, But at What Cost? advertises its ability to generate high-quality content at a turbo speed. However, this emphasis on speed often comes at the expense of accuracy and coherence. Users have experienced instances where the generated content lacks depth, and coherence, and fails to meet their specific requirements. It is crucial to prioritize content quality over speed when utilizing writing tools, as compromising on quality may have severe consequences.



While promises to be a game-changer in the world of AI writing tools, its performance leaves much to be desired. The lackluster essay generator, unreliable plagiarism checker, and inadequate summarizer raise significant concerns about the tool's effectiveness. Users should approach with caution, recognizing its limitations and considering alternative options that offer more reliable and accurate results.


Q: Can I edit or rewrite the content generated by

A: Yes, it is strongly advised to edit or rewrite any content generated by to ensure uniqueness and tailor it to your specific needs. Relying solely on the tool's output may result in subpar content.

Q: Is the content generated by plagiarism-free?

A: While claims to provide unique content, it is essential to verify its originality independently. Users should use trusted external plagiarism-checking tools to ensure the absence of any potential plagiarism.

Q: How can help me improve my academic writing?

A: Despite its limitations, may serve as a starting point for generating ideas and overcoming writer's block. However, it is crucial to thoroughly review and refine the content generated by the tool to meet the required academic standards.

Q: Are there any alternative AI writing tools I can consider?

A: Yes, there are several reputable AI writing tools available that have proven to deliver more reliable and accurate results. It is advisable to explore other options and read reviews to make an informed decision.


The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.

Disclaimer: The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.

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Finley Harrison

About the Author

Finley Harrison
Joined: June 9th, 2023
Articles Posted: 4

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