Decoding SAP HANA Pricing: A Comprehensive Overview

Posted by SAP Silvertouch on July 20th, 2023

How much does an SAP HANA appliance really cost?

SAP HANA pricing - SAP S/4 HANA is a robust and reliable software suitable for medium and established enterprises. It is a preferred choice of many entrepreneurs as it offers a range of features including CRM, asset management, inventory management, planning & scheduling, customer service, supply chain management, etc. You may wonder about SAP HANA pricing, right? Let’s discuss the real SAP HANA cost appliance, its features, and licensing options.

Talking about the appliance cost, we can segregate the SAP S/4 HANA price into several components. Here, we are calculating the SAP HANA cost appliance for a 512GB system which remains at k.

  • Intel E7 CPUs- 4 of them which cost over 00 each cost us 000
  • SuSe Linux - it costs 00 for 3 years including technical assistance
  • 512 GB RAM- it costs around 00
  • SSD Storage from Fusion IO- it costs 00

 It is better to consult an official SAP Partner to get the accurate cost for the SAP S/4 HANA appliance. You can also get a SAP HANA pricing list in India.

Let’s dig deep into the features and feedback of SAP S/4 HANA.

Features of SAP S4 HANA

SAP S/4 HANA offers many features for various departments of your company. These features certainly justify SAP HANA pricing. It is fair to mention here that looking at the benefits and features, you always get more than SAP 4 HANA cost.

Here is the list of features with respective departments.

FeatureBeneficiary Department
Asset Management Asset/Equipment
Asset/Equipment Research
Customer Service Customer Support
CRM Customer Support
Document Management Sales/Marketing
Inventory Management Inventory/Warehouse
Planning & Scheduling Research/Production
HR Human Resources
Order Management Purchase/Sales/Accounting
Purchasing Purchase/Accounting
Sales Sales
Project Management Project/Procurement/Production


Other features of SAP S/4 HANA are shipping & distribution, warehouse management, etc. to meet complex business needs effectively.

For More Info, Contact Us-

Contact: +91 9712939159


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SAP Silvertouch

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SAP Silvertouch
Joined: April 13th, 2021
Articles Posted: 26

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