I'm getting more active in surfing

Posted by lowes Emily on July 21st, 2023

Now let's talk about surfing. constructs Jesus Christ. We're already having problems WoTLK Gold here. So this right here is the most damage. I'm unable to come up with anything better and it's certainly not efficient with mana, it squanders a lot of the Mana skills. Could there be a problem though? I'm not sure. It's all dependent on your raiding performance. It depends on how long the battles last. It depends on the crit you have since you will always be enthralled by the hunt.

If you are looking to shift certain points back in a way that you can save talents, this is the right choice. If you're looking to move the hit talent around in a hunting group is typically the best way to go. Since you can't pull them out of survival instinct similar to begin you could eliminate aim shot and instead use a multi shot. I probably wouldn't do that though.

Since I'm getting more active in surfing and BM, and I do prefer not to be forced to stop for multi but it is possible to multi-tasking, if you'd like. This is really just scratching the surface of surfing specs you can alter a lot of tiny things here. Depending on the situation could be DPS increases, glyphs to aid in protection, explosion shock this is decent, as is servants thing , and kill shot. If you're not planning to go hard on serve, I'd suggest you remove kill shot or serpent sting for Explosive Trap WoTLK Classic Gold as well as the serve rotation. On paper , serve rotation is very similar to marksman and quite easy to prioritize system.

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lowes Emily

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lowes Emily
Joined: June 24th, 2022
Articles Posted: 196

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