Strata Cleaning 101- Best Tips For Efficient Cleaning

Posted by Madeline White on August 1st, 2023


Regular cleaning and maintenance in strata properties is crucial to keep the surroundings safe and hygienic. Strata cleaning can be a tedious process for property owners and managers. Therefore, we will discuss some common tips and tricks to carry out strata-cleaning jobs effectively –

Understand the Difference Between Disinfecting, Cleaning, and Sanitising

There is a huge difference between all three terms. Even though they are co-related, each has a specific purpose. Since strata properties receive high traffic, keeping them free from bacteria and preventing the spread of diseases is essential. Here is when disinfecting the property comes in. Sanitisation is where a particular area that has just been disinfected will keep bacteria away for longer. And general cleaning involves eliminating the scope of dust and dirt around the property. Professional strata cleaning in Sydney can help to maintain properties with suitable methods.

Maintaining a System

Since strata properties differ from regular properties, maintaining a system and good coordination between cleaners is essential. It helps to offer comprehensive cleaning services and solutions.

Following Basic Cleaning Protocols

Strata cleaning requires you to follow specific cleaning protocols recognised internationally. If you can do that, you can create an organised space very efficiently. Whether it’s health administration or disease control, there are specific regulations to adhere to, and following that will lead to a clean and hygienic building.

Cleaning High-Traffic Areas

Every building has specific areas that receive maximum traffic. Whether it is the waiting area, elevator buttons, washbasins, toilet, and more, these areas need meticulous attention and comprehensive cleaning. Sydney strata cleaning specialists can handle the job for you, delivering top-notch cleaning services. Pay attention to these high points areas to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Prepare a Checklist

One of the best tips when dealing with strata cleaning is to prepare a list. Always have a checklist handy to help check whether you have completed the cleaning thoroughly. It helps to cross-check the areas you have covered and the areas left. Therefore, keep a list handy when starting the cleaning job.

Since strata cleaning is extensive and rigorous, never hesitate to seek professional help. It will effectively reduce your burden of managing the hygiene and safety of the building and its occupants.

Author’s Bio: The author is the owner of a company offering efficient strata cleaning in Sydney. This post aims to enlighten readers on the best tips and tricks for exceptional strata cleaning.


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Madeline White

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Madeline White
Joined: April 30th, 2021
Articles Posted: 848

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