How Can I Keep Animals off My Roof?

Posted by Carolyn Lynch on August 6th, 2023

Having uninvited animals and pests on your roof and home can lead to some serious problems. So, to protect your roof from potential damage caused by animals, it is important to understand the measures you can take to keep them out. As winter approaches, animals may look for shelter in warm, dry places, and your home can easily become their next target. 

By knowing some effective methods for preventing animal intrusion and understanding the severe damage they can cause, you can protect your roof and avoid costly repairs. So, keep an eye out for common signs of animal activity and act early to prevent any damage. Let’s get started.

Why Is It Important to Protect Your Roof from Animal Intrusion? 

During the winter season, many animals look for a warm and protective shelter to save themselves from the cold weather. Your roof provides the ideal sanctuary, as it offers warmth, privacy, and protection from predators. There are many animals that may choose to reside in your attic, including the following:

  • Bats
  • Raccoons
  • Possums
  • Squirrels
  • Mice and more

How to Prevent Animal Infestation in Your Roof?

1. Trim and Prune Trees Close to Your Property: 

Trimming the branches of trees near your home is a crucial step in preventing animals from accessing your roof. This can be easily accomplished by pruning back the branches. Not only will this simple step prevent animals from climbing onto your roof, but it will also protect your roof from potential damage caused by falling branches. If the trees are too close to your home, consider having them removed for added security.

2. Examine Your Attic: 

It is essential to conduct frequent roofing inspections, both internally and externally. This includes looking for warning signs of animal infiltration. As you inspect your attic, be sure to look for any signs of feces or gnaw marks on the wood.

3. Replace Broken or Missing Shingles: 

If there is a missing or damaged shingle on your roof, it can provide an easy entry point for animals. For this reason, it is crucial to make sure that all your shingles are well intact as they serve as the primary barrier against animal intrusion.

4. Keep Your Gutters Clean and Free from Debris: 

Cleaning out your gutters is crucial for several reasons. The accumulation of debris can clog the flow of water, leading to overflow on your roof. This can result in costly water damage repairs. It is important to regularly clear out your gutters to ensure proper water flow and prevent serious structural damage.

5. Make Sure to Cover Every Crack and Gap: 

Many animals can squirm their way through even the smallest openings. Mice have remarkable agility and can twist their bodies to fit through spaces that may seem impossible. To prevent these creatures from entering your roof, it is essential to seal all gaps and openings that you come across on your roofing system.

6. Vents and Chimneys: 

To ensure the proper functioning of your vents, make sure that they remain unblocked. This is essential for smooth air circulation. However, this can also make it easy for animals to enter your home. To prevent this from happening, you can install covers on your vents and chimneys. These covers will act as a barrier against animal infestations while still allowing for proper airflow.

Looking To Keep Your Home and Roof Safe? Get In Touch 

HUDCO Roofing & Exteriors can provide you with the help you need. Getting in touch with us can be done by calling us at 225-414-6153. We service areas in Bossier City, Shreveport, and Baton Rouge, LA.

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Carolyn Lynch

About the Author

Carolyn Lynch
Joined: January 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 62

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