Ambient Advertising

Posted by Adzze Advertising on August 11th, 2023

Ambient Advertising: avoiding ads fraud

Ads fraud estimated to cost .4 billion. An ad fraud will cost .4 billion globally this year and that nearly 20 percent of total digital ad spend was wasted in the year 2016 (Lucy Handley, Additionally, the .4 billion is more than double the .2 billion in ad fraud during the previous year according to the Association of National Advertisers. If this problem is not addressed, the amount of ad fraud will only continue to rise and could potentially top billion according to the World Federation of Advertisers.The Association of National Advertisers reports that only a quarter of all digital ad spend reaches real people. Recently, the chief brand officer of Procter & Gamble, Pritchard issued an ominous warning: P&G would no longer waste money on digital media channels that can’t prove that customers are seeing its ads. Similar approach other companies as JPMorgan Chase, another angry advertiser, decided to cut off 395,000 other Ad display sites. Ambient Advertising applies the principle of the the placement of advertising in unusual and unexpected places often with unconventional execution and being first or only ad execution to do so. As the element of surprise is a smart way to regain consumers attention. Ambient advertising relies on on creating a connection with the recipient by triggering surprise by placing ads in unusual locations and with unconventional methods that had never used before. Imagine grabbing a coffee from your favorite cafe venue where on the coffee sleeves there is a message of a dental service company remembering you to have a look at their teeth whitening discounts. Or you get a pizza delivered at your home with a message of a gym provider inviting you to spend the pizza calories in their fitness center.

Creative Agencies: What they Are Doing?

Ambient advertising put a greater emphasis on tactics such as surprise, humor, creativity and consequently audience involvement. The ‘unusualty’ raises level of curiosity in consumer and their willingness to put efforts to process message. It is well known in the industry, that creativity of an advertisement is one of the most important factors which help to attract attention of a recipient. Ambient advertising addresses creativity, novelty and surprise. Due to the real and tangible nature of ambient advertising, the reached recipient can not be fraudulent. The executions can be inspected temporary and the audience is experiencing it live. In-the-Hand Advertising is the type of promotion that uses consumables (such as pizza boxes, coffee cups, dry cleaner hangers etc) as advertising space. The ad of your client is printed on the consumables and distributed to our network of stores/ad locations. Think of these as small moving billboards that your target audience will touch on a daily basis. The unconventional and unexpected nature of this type of ambient advertising enables better perception and assimilation of the message. See more details here: In-the-Hand Marketing: the Emerging Media Trend. This concept relies on placing ads on consumables that the target audience can’t ignore as they have to take them in their hands. Such consumables can be: door hangers, pizza box toppers, prescription bags, drink coasters, Custom Coffee Sleeves, hotel key cards.

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Adzze Advertising
Joined: February 27th, 2021
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