List of RC 14001 Documents Requirements That Must be Included in the Documentation

Posted by certification consultancy on August 23rd, 2023

The RC 14001 standard for Responsible Care Management Systems has been helping ACC members and other organizations in the chemical industry improve their environmental, health & safety, sustainability and operational performance since it was first published in 2002 and later revised in 2015. The revised version has been written to maintain its relevance in today’s marketplace and to continue to offer organizations improved performance and business benefits.

An RC 14001 environmental management system certification has numerous advantages. The fact that it aids organizations in methodically identifying and controlling their environmental consequences may be the most significant advantage. Utilizing an RC 14001-certified EMS also shows a dedication to ongoing development, which may result in greater effectiveness and cost savings. Additionally, as more businesses look for sustainable suppliers, RC 14001 certification can give them a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, certified businesses frequently find it simpler to acquire insurance and other forms of financial support.

The criteria for RC 14001 are quite comparable to those of ISO 14001, however, they place a special emphasis on environmental factors that may affect the calibre of a company's goods or services. To identify all potential environmental consequences, a business must first conduct a thorough examination of its activities, just like with ISO 14001 certification. The organization can then create and put into place programs and procedures to reduce or eliminate these consequences after these have been recognized.

'Documented information' now has a common clause as part of the alignment with other management systems standards. Throughout the requirements text, the words "documented information" have been used in place of the terms "documented procedure" and "record". Whereas RC 14001:2013 would have required the maintenance of written information, it now refers to documented procedures instead (e.g., to define, control, or support a process). In the place where RC 14001:2013 would have mentioned "records," this is now stated as a necessity to keep recorded information. The standard provides examples and provides specific requirements for maintaining documented information. Note that to maintain control, the standard, a rule, or your procedure may all require documented information. Pay close attention to Clause 7.5 of the standard when considering it. In consideration of that, the following RC 14001 documents must be included in the documentation:

  • Scope
  • Policy
  • General documented processes to meet the requirements of
  • information on the amount required to feel confident that the processes went as anticipated
    • Documented information on risks and opportunities that needs to be addressed
  • Need to have documented information on:
    • criteria used to determine its environmental aspects;
    • environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts;
    • significant environmental aspects
  • Information on compliance duties that is documented
  • Documented information on environmental objectives
  • Information that is documented to show proficiency
  • Documented information as evidence of communication
  • Information that is documented and required by this International Standard as well as information that is documented and decided by the organization to be necessary for the environmental management system's effectiveness
  • Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary
  • Information that has been sufficiently documented to provide users trust that processes have been carried out according to the plan
  • The evidence of the results of monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation
  • Proof of compliance evaluation outcomes
  • Proof that the audit program(s) was/were implemented, as well as the audit findings
  • Information that has been documented to show the outcomes of management reviews
  • A description of the nonconformities, any corrective measures that were taken, their outcomes, and the nature of any further nonconformities.

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certification consultancy
Joined: August 2nd, 2022
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