The Ultimate Guide to Buy Indoor Plants at Urvann

Posted by Bettina Cabana on September 12th, 2023

Hey, Plant lovers!

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or someone just beginning their gardening journey, there is always one more leafy friend that you can add to your garden. 

When it comes to the world of being a plant parent, there is no such thing as having too many plants and you know it. Indoor plants not only add an aesthetic vibe to your homes or work spaces but also bring you closer to nature at the same time offering you numerous health benefits.

Before you get all excited, and open your laptops to start shopping, let us first explore a detailed guide for buying indoor plants

Assess Your Space

Before diving into the world of Indoor plants, stop, and take a good look at the space where you want to put your plants. Basically, assess your space so you can make an informed decision about where you want to place your plants and how it is going to look at the end. Understanding your space is crucial. This will ensure that your plants will thrive in your home. 

When evaluating your space, also identify the amount of natural light that your selected space receives. Some indoor plants such as the Jade plant require indirect sunlight or diffused sunlight to grow healthy. If you have a partly shaded area, you can opt for plants like the Snake plant that can tolerate low-light conditions as well. 

One very important factor to consider is humidity. Some tropical indoor plants require high humidity levels. If your area does not have humidity, keep misting your plants once a day to maintain balance.

Know Your Plant Goals

Knowing the reason for bringing indoor plants home is important for beginner gardeners. Different people have different motivations, and you need to be sure about yours. Are you looking for air-purifying plants or ornamental plants, or just want a dash of greenery that is low-maintenance as well? 

Knowing the answer to these questions will help to narrow down your search. 

Consider Your Lifestyle

Be honest with yourself and think about how much time you can invest in your indoor plants. Some plants get more attention than others and need to be tended to frequently. If you have a busy schedule or travel frequently, purchase plants that need less watering and can survive on their own for a while. 

Choose The Right Container

Choosing the right container for your plant might be a more important decision than you think. Make sure the container has proper drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water-logging, which can lead to the rotting of roots. Also, make sure that the pot is the right size so that the plant has space to grow and breathe.

Soil Matters

Different plants need different soil mixes. Indoor plants especially need at least 50 percent cocopeat in the soil mix. Ideally, the best soil mix for an indoor plant is Cocopeat (50%) + Garden Soil (30%) + Vermicompost (20%). This mix will ensure that your plant has well-draining soil. 

Be Patient

Lastly, do remember that plants are living beings and may take some time to come up to their full potential. Indoor gardening is not an overnight process and will take a few months to form. And, when it does, it will thrive and contribute to your well-being too. Gardening teaches you many important aspects of life such as patience, resilience, and forgiveness.

Buying indoor plants is a delightful journey and will make our home a tranquil place to live in. 

Happy plant shopping, and may your indoor jungle thrive!

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Bettina Cabana

About the Author

Bettina Cabana
Joined: January 8th, 2020
Articles Posted: 152

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