Vital Benefits of Energy Star Appliances

Posted by Larry on July 27th, 2016

Do you know that all appliances come with two price tags- What it costs for operating and maintaining it each month and what is cost of taking it home? Energy Star qualified appliances are widely known for incorporating high-end technologies and utilize approximately 10 to 60 percent less energy as compared to standard appliances. From dish washers to refrigerators, Energy Star qualified appliances help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, save money and conserve energy.

Benefits of using energy star qualified appliances

Increased Performance

According to various tests, energy star qualified appliances are known for outperforming standard appliances. This is due to the fact that these appliances are designed using state-of-the-art technologies and innovative designs. For instance, some of the energy star qualified appliances promise features like reducing water use and decreased operating noise.

Enhanced Durability and Quality

 Energy star appliances boasts of high-end components that surpass those discovered in standard appliances. Thus, when you use these appliances, you will face less mechanical issues, the life of the appliance will be longer and may even receive extended warranty period.

Low Utility Bills

 Do you know that varied appliances which you use on a daily basis account for approximately 20 percent of the energy use of your house? If you use energy star appliances you can significantly save on energy bills.

Consider some of the energy star qualified appliances


When it comes to refrigerators, they use approximately 50 percent less energy as compared to traditional models. The contemporary models features more precise defrost and temperature mechanism, improved insulation and high efficiency compressors. When using the refrigerators, make sure to leave enough space between the refrigerator and the wall for allowing the air movement and brush refrigerator coil regularly for maintaining efficient operation!


According to records, energy star dishwashers utilize approximately 40 percent less energy than the conventional dishwashers. They promise smart features like energy efficient sensors and motors and effective washing action. The sensors help in determining the necessary water temperature and cycle length. An effective tip is that it is advisable to use short wash cycles, except when you are washing extremely dirty dishes.

An important question which often crops up is that where to buy energy Star appliances MA? When it comes to buying energy star appliances, it is crucial to choose a credible online platform. When you explore the internet, you can find large numbers of online stores offering high-end appliances. But to be extra sure that you are purchase the best quality appliances that are energy star qualified, make sure that the online store is prominent and enjoys high ratings by its customers!

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