The laser system device or LED Classification 1 isPosted by Rondid42 on July 28th, 2016 The laser system device or LED Classification 1 is by definition protected and the most of LED products fall either into these kinds or are exempt LED and laser system device products are exempt from 60825-1 if the exhaust stage does not surpass the AEL of Classification 1 under all conditions of operate maintenance assistance and failure The most newest form of the 60825-1 conventional indicates that LED producers should offer more detailed data to help their customers determine if the outcome is exempt or not "Most LED producers are not ready or not able to get the essential info" says David O'Hagan who leads the Laser and Optical Radiation Dosimeter Team at the UK's Health Protection Agency The 60825-1 conventional refers to the item itself rather than any packaged LED or module within the item David Water wells excellent quality professional at LaserJet a professional evaluate says that the inclusion of concentrating or collimating optics can significantly alter the threat posed by an LED and probably can put the lead to a different category from the LED itself Products can be self-declared - I e the tests performed in-house - or the appropriate measurements can be performed. Like it? Share it!More by this author |