3 Tips For Organising Autumn Promotional Brand Events - Brand Warrior

Posted by Liz Seyi on October 3rd, 2023

We may be in July at the time of this article being written, but this is a time of year when many brands are firming up their plans to hold promotional events during the coming autumn. And if that will be the case for your organisation, not everything about holding a successful promo event will be exactly the same as the situation for spring or summer events. 

So, let’s dive into three things that will help ensure your promo event scheduled for an autumn date will be remembered for the right reasons. 

Arrange for a backup space if your event is to be held outdoors

Autumn, as we all know, can be an infuriatingly unpredictable season as far as outdoor conditions are concerned. Some days might feel like the height of summer, while others may see the rain lash down, or something even more adverse. 

You might have opted to schedule your promotional event for the autumn, in the hope that it will offer milder weather and temperatures than sweltering July or August would. But if an outdoor event is your ‘plan A’, it could be a very wise move to check that your chosen venue has a usable indoor space to which the event could be quickly transferred, in the event of a ‘plan B’ being required. 

There are so many ‘small’ things that can be overlooked when it comes to planning an autumn outdoor event instead of a summer one. In the case of the former, there can be a higher risk of wind, so you will want to make sure any essential items are secured. And of course, any paper elements such as banners, posters or leaflets could also be at risk in the event of rain. 

Serve cuisine that actually works well with the season 

The subject of food and drink is an unavoidable one whenever a promotional event is being organised. And when you are discussing the event with your chosen caterer, you might want to ask them whether they have any “autumn-ready” menus that might help satisfy guests’ gastronomic cravings in colder and wetter conditions. 

Or, of course, if the event that you are planning will be scheduled relatively soon after the height of summer – such as in early to mid-September – you might simply ask for the caterer’s standard summer menu, perhaps with some autumnal tweaks. 

Your caterer’s considerations in putting together an autumn-suitable menu for your event won’t necessarily be purely practical ones. They might be moved to add such items as pumpkin pie or hot spiced cider, for instance, as a nod to the aesthetics of the season, although the latter will no doubt be brilliant for warming guests up, too. 

Make cleanliness and hygiene an even greater priority 

Ensuring the cleanliness of your event space for your product launch, conference or similar event should clearly be one of your uppermost priorities for many different reasons, regardless of the season. 

However, autumn events can also often present a much higher risk of attendees arriving in muddy shoes and carrying wet umbrellas. Plenty of dirt and moisture could therefore be dragged into the venue, particularly given the high foot traffic that tends to characterise such events. 

So, you will need to be vigilant in providing doormats and keeping the space as clean as possible, from the start to the finish of the event. This will be good for presentational reasons, but also for helping to prevent some serious health and safety hazards. 

While it isn’t always easy to guard against every possible risk and issue that an autumn promotional event could throw up, you will be in a much better position as a brand when you can call upon suitably qualified and capable event staffing. Reach out to our BrandWarriors today, and we can draw upon our database of contacts to help ensure that is the case at your brand’s next event. 

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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,455

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