Getting Your Feline Friend Ready for Cat Boarding in Sydney

Posted by Bettina Cabana on October 6th, 2023

For most of the feline owners in Sydney, cats are not just animals; they are a crucial part of their family. And when it comes to travelling without their furry friend, it is obvious to feel anxious and worried about their well-being. Leaving your cat alone at home for a few days can not only lead to separation anxiety but also damage your relationship. 

If you are also struggling with the same issue, nothing can be better than cat boarding in Sydney. Boarding services provide overnight accommodation for your feline, no matter whether you are travelling for a day or several weeks. They take care of everything your cat needs for a comfortable stay, ranging from offering them nutritious meals, regulating their vaccinations, organising fun activities to more.

Leaving your cat at a boarding facility can be stressful for you as well as your cat. However, preparing your cat for a boarding trip in advance can make this situation much easier. 

How to prepare your feline companion for cat boarding? Let’s discuss the same:

  1. Try to Develop Social Skills

While cats love to stay aloof in their own comfort zone, it is vital to create opportunities where they can meet new people and pets. Not only will this help your cat become comfortable but also make it more adaptable to the boarding facility's communal areas. 

So, you can arrange playdates with friends who have cats or take your cat to a local cat cafe where they can interact with other felines in a controlled environment.

  1. Avoid Switching Your Cat’s Food 

Suddenly, starting a new cat food can disrupt the digestive system of your furry friend. So, it is advised not to change your cat’s diet for a short period of time, as by the time they adjust to a different diet, they will most probably be back home.

You should check with the boarding you chose about the cat foods they provide. Also, if it isn’t the same as your cat’s previous meals, ask if you can provide your own. Just make sure that you provide enough for the duration of the stay.

  1. Be Open About Behavioral Issues (If Any)

Not all cats play well with others; some even get aggressive over little things. So, if your cat suffers from an anxiety disorder or isn't particularly social, do inform about these things with cat boarding services before leaving your cat.

Being transparent about these tendencies is extremely important. This allows the boarding to provide the best care and make necessary accommodations to ensure your cat's safety and other’s well-being as well.

  1. Pack The Essentials

Just like other pets, cats also love their belonging and to follow a routine. So, if you want your feline to stay happy at cat accommodation, it is recommended to pack a bag of love for your cat. You can add items in the bag like its favourite toys, bedding items, litter box, treats it likes, grooming essentials, food and water bowls, etc. 

This will not only give your cat a familiar feeling but also make it easier to adjust to the new environment. Apart from this, don’t forget to share more details about your pet’s behaviour with the staff at the boarding facility.

The Bottom Line

Preparing your feline friend for a stay in a cat boarding facility in Sydney is essential to ensure their comfort, safety, and well-being while you are away. By following the tips provided in this guide, you can make the experience as stress-free as possible for both you and your beloved cat. 

With proper preparation, you can rest assured that your cat will be in good hands while you're away, allowing you to enjoy your trip with peace of mind. And at the end, don’t forget to communicate with your cat when you are away. 

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Bettina Cabana

About the Author

Bettina Cabana
Joined: January 8th, 2020
Articles Posted: 152

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