How to Choose the Best Hotel Phone System?

Posted by Crump Communications, LLC on October 20th, 2023

The hospitality industry is ever-evolving, and with technology advancing at a rapid pace, it's crucial for hoteliers to stay updated with the latest trends. One of the most integral parts of a hotel's communication infrastructure is its phone system. With so many options available, how does one select the best hotel phone system? Let's delve into the factors to consider.


1. Understand Your Hotel’s Needs:

Before diving into specific products or brands, like Phonesuite or Hotel Hosted, it’s essential to analyze and understand the specific needs of your establishment. Are you a boutique hotel needing just a few lines, or a sprawling resort requiring a complex system? The scale and requirements will greatly influence your choice.

2. Consider the Scalability:

Your business might grow or evolve, and so will your communication needs. Look for a hotel phone system that scales seamlessly. For instance, if you start with 50 rooms but plan to expand to 100 in a few years, ensure that the system can handle such growth without massive overhauls.

3. Integration with Other Systems:

Modern hotels employ various software systems, from property management systems (PMS) to customer relationship management tools (CRM). Ensure that your chosen phone system can integrate smoothly with these tools, offering seamless communication and operational efficiency.

4. Future-Proof Technology:

The tech world is fast-paced. What's cutting-edge today might be obsolete tomorrow. Ensure that the hotel phone system you choose is future-proof and can be updated to meet emerging trends. Platforms like Phonesuite, for instance, often offer regular updates to ensure they remain at the forefront of technology.

5. Cloud vs. On-Premise:

While traditional phone systems are hosted on-premise, many modern solutions, including Hotel Hosted systems, are cloud-based. This means that all the data and functionalities are stored in the cloud, providing advantages like reduced maintenance costs and easy access from any location. Decide which option aligns with your hotel's needs and budget.

6. Cost-Efficiency:

Every investment should offer a good return. When selecting a hotel phone system, consider not just the initial investment but also the ongoing costs, including maintenance, upgrades, and potential expansion. Sometimes, investing a bit more upfront can save considerable amounts in the long run.

7. Reliability and Support:

No system is perfect, and there might be times when you face technical glitches. It's essential to choose a provider that offers robust customer support, ensuring that any issues are resolved promptly, minimizing disruptions to your operations.

8. Security Features:

Given the sensitive nature of information processed through phone systems, security should be a top priority. Ensure the system you choose has robust security measures in place, including encryption and regular security audits.

Final Thoughts:

Choosing the right hotel phone system is not just about picking the most advanced or the cheapest option. It's about finding a system that aligns perfectly with your hotel's unique needs and can adapt to future changes. By considering the above points and prioritizing research, hoteliers can make a well-informed decision, ensuring their establishment remains connected, efficient, and ahead of the curve.

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Crump Communications, LLC

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Crump Communications, LLC
Joined: May 14th, 2020
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