Everything You Should Know About Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Posted by Kuajing Plus on October 23rd, 2023

Defining Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) places the monetary, and even physical, obligation to producers, manufacturers or even retailers in ensuring of post-consumer products' disposal and repurposing.

For an easier understanding, the principle simply means that those who created the item ought to make sure it is properly disposed of and recycled in an easier and less-costly way. As a result of this, the system itself makes the item life cycle circular, create less waste and performed in a more effective manner.


Plastic waste is damaging our world-- polluting the air, and water both people and wild animals require to survive. And as this crisis infects every corner of the world, WWF is leading the charge to help reimagine how we source, design, dispose of, and recycle the plastic materials communities most depend upon. One of the most significant obstacles we require to solve for is the broken promise of recycling.

Just 11% of plastic packaging in the Australia is recycled, which is a hair above the 8% worldwide average. These alarming figures show that our waste management and recycling systems are not currently set up to manage the large quantities of waste we create today-- not to mention in the years ahead, as the world is anticipated to double our manufacturing of brand-new plastic by 2040.

We need policy manufacturers and business leaders to take game-changing actions to help us transition from our current linear, "take-- make-- waste" connection with plastic to a circular one. Circular economies will certainly help stem our demand for brand-new virgin plastic by guaranteeing that the plastic products we count on every day are re-used and recycled, which the valuable sources we're extracting from the planet to make the material aren't quickly ending up as the trash polluting it.

There are many large-scale interventions that will assist transition to circular economies. One that has substantial potential and needs for urgent political will and action is Extended Producer Responsibility-- or EPR-- in Australia.


Are there any Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes available in Australia?

With all that said, can we discover this scheme all across Australia? Well, the answer to that is-- fortunately-- yes.

Right here in Australia, we have the NSW Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001. Primarily, this act intends to and promotes avoiding waste and enhancing resource recovery efforts to accomplish "zero-waste"-- or at the least reduce waste to a sustainable level.

So naturally, the NSW government rightfully supported initiatives done under the National Waste Policy. Nationwide efforts are greatly encouraged by them due to the fact that "lots of items are sold in nationwide markets and are problematic in all jurisdictions".

While it is as technological as it sounds, EPR is a waste management concept that is emerging at the leading edge of the plastic waste conversation. EPR is policy structure that would certainly spruce up recycling in Australia. At its structure, EPR would move the economic burden of waste management away from local governments and put it on the manufacturers of plastic product packaging.

A nationwide EPR system in Australia has the prospective to not just bring much required financing and efficiency to recycling, however, likewise incentivize product packaging to be designed to be recyclable or reusable and innovate solutions that minimize the environmental influence of their products.

How Can GREENMAX Help?

With 30 years of experience in delivering cutting-edge waste management machinery and solutions, GREENMAX can play a pivotal role in helping businesses align with EPR requirements.

We offer complimentary waste audits, during which we assess your pain points and waste streams to make personalized suggestions. Find out more about our audits and how they can help you improve your waste management or contact our friendly team if you have any other questions.

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Kuajing Plus

About the Author

Kuajing Plus
Joined: May 21st, 2020
Articles Posted: 116

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