Fall in Love: 15 Outside-the-Box Fall Date Ideas for Couples

Posted by Sophie Ryan Evans on November 13th, 2023

When fall arrives, it's easy to just default to the usual sweater weather dates like apple picking or pumpkin carving. But why not break out of the cliche rut this year and sweep your sweetheart off their feet with extraordinarily creative date ideas?

This autumn, give your relationship an exciting refresh by planning original dates that are sure to create unforgettable memories. Here are 15 outside-the-box fall date ideas to fall in love with:

1. Fly Kites in the Park

On a brisk afternoon when fall winds kick up, grab your favorite person and head to a park carrying kites. Spend the afternoon running through grassy fields together trying to get your kites to soar sky high. For an extra romantic touch, attach love notes or poems to the kites' strings that flutter dramatically behind. Reward kite flying success with a passionate kiss beneath the clouds.

2. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

Impress your date by suggesting you volunteer together at a local animal shelter for the day. Not only will you score major points for planning such a kindhearted activity, but you'll bond while cuddling with kittens, walking dogs, and giving back. Later, grab hot chocolates or ciders and gush about the cutest furry friends you got to be around thanks to the other's thoughtfulness.

3. Do Watercolor Painting

Tap into your creative sides by spending an afternoon paint date creating vibrant watercolor scenes of fall landscapes. Head to a charming park or botanical garden and set up easels amidst the foliage. Paint the pumpkins on display, people strolling by bundled up, and seasonal flowers before they perish. Your stunning artistic creations will serve as lovely mementos of your date.

4. Milk a Cow Together

For a quirky countryside twist, check whether a local farm offers lessons in milking cows by hand. Get up close and comfortable with these gentle giants and try your hand at extracting milk yourself. Giggling at this unusual new experience together will bring you closer. Reward your efforts with fresh dairy products like ice cream.

5. Make Homemade Candy Apples

Get your Loverboy sticky and sweet in the kitchen whipping up homemade candy apples. Skewer apples from the orchard, then take turns alternately dipping them in a bubbling caramel or chocolate coating. Sprinkle on nuts, coconut flakes, and drizzle with caramel for decadent final touches. Surprise each other with unique flavor combinations and then enjoy your personalized creations.

6. Play with Leaves

Reconnect with your inner child by frolicking and playing in piles of fallen leaves. Rake up mountains of red, orange, and yellow foliage then take running leaps to scatter them in the air. See who can rake the tallest leaf pile then jump in together, giggling like kids. Wrap up your play date by collecting the prettiest leaves to save as mementos.

7. Visit a Llama Farm

For quirky cuteness, tour a llama farm together to see these fuzzy long-necked creatures up close! Feed and pet the curious llamas, take selfies with new woolly friends, and learn about their habits from the farmers. The laidback setting and simple pleasure of petting llamas will have you both grinning ear to ear in joy.

8. Go on a Spooky Ghost Tour

Get thrills while holding hands tightly as you join a guided ghost tour after dark. Listen to chilling tales of your town's haunted history and purported paranormal activity. Keep each other alert for any creepy unexplained phenomena. Exchange adrenaline-fueled kisses at every fright. You'll go home feeling closer after surviving the spooky ambiance side-by-side.

9. Build Bonfires

Snuggle up next to flickering flames by taking supplies for building bonfires out to a beach or campground. Collect kindling and craft ten-foot high fires together. Make s'mores using long sticks and chat over the crackling fire late into the night. When embers burn low, savor this rare opportunity for stargazing uninterrupted by city lights.

10. Fly Through Forest Ziplines

Experience breathtaking fall vistas in an exhilarating new way at a treetop ziplining course. Get your hearts racing as you soar and glide together over kaleidoscopic autumn leaves. Time the zipline rides so you takeoff at the exact moment the sun dips below the horizon for unforgettable views.

11. Attend a Renaissance Faire

Step back in time by dressing up in medieval costumes and attending a Renaissance Festival jubilee. Shop handmade leather goods and candles, cheer on jousters, and learn courtly dancing. Then break character and snap silly selfies with the roaming musicians or knights. Feast on turkey legs bigger than your head and tie the day together by crafting your own sigil for you and your sweetheart.

12. Host a Fondue Night

Heat things up by inviting your date over for a old-school fondue feast. Skewer meat cubes or fruit and simmer them in bubbling pots of melted cheese, chocolate or broth. Lick melted chocolate and grease from each other's fingers as it gets flirtatiously messy. The tactile dining experience culminates in sealing the night with a sticky sweet kiss.

13. Go on a Coffee and Donut Tour

Jumpstart your day touring quirky local donut shops and coffee houses. Sample spiced pumpkin donuts, apple fritters and other seasonal flavors. Judge cute cafes' latte art while trading life stories and goals. The sugar rush and deep conversations will have you falling fast.

14. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

Warm each other's hearts by spending an afternoon volunteering together at a soup kitchen. Nurture your community while also bonding over this act of service. The experience will spark contemplative and emotionally vulnerable conversations that bring you closer. Follow up with writing thank you cards to the soup kitchen staff.

15. Attempt New Dance Styles

Heat up chilly nights by taking couple's dance classes together, whether ballroom, salsa, hip hop or swing dancing. Gaze into each other's eyes with each coordinated step and twirl. Let rhythm take control as your bodies seamlessly move as one. Trying the new, often silly dances together builds physical chemistry and trust.


Fall in love all over again this autumn by intentionally planning extraordinary fun fall date ideas that create magical moments and new rituals for just the two of you. Show how much you care by putting creativity into taking your partner on romantic outings they'll reminisce about forever. Move past cliches and craft outside-the-box dates personalized to your passions. Don't hibernate as winter approaches; let your relationship thrive through making each day together an endless adventure!

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Sophie Ryan Evans

About the Author

Sophie Ryan Evans
Joined: August 30th, 2023
Articles Posted: 16

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