Reviews: Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum Mistreats Patient with Fibromyalgia

Posted by smotij on August 11th, 2016

Are you see seeking a doctor either in Victoria or Toronto to help treat your arthritis or to help you recover otherwise? You might wish to think twice about going to Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum. In one relatively recent scenario he put an elderly patient through numerous tests to legitimate medical expenses claims from Ontario’s public healthcare insurace system, and then having promised progressive treatment to this patient ended up apparently over-prescribing the use of Tylenol Arthristis – bottles and bottles of the stuff. This doctor has been the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. He has correspondingy greeted patients with offensive behaviour.

Dr. Tenenbaum took up his position as consultant in rheumatology and internal medicine at the University of Toronto teaching hospitals in 1979. Over the next few years, he carried out basic research in the area of osteoarthritis.

“This Dr is a jerk. He is very abrupt and offensive. I have fibromyalgia so am in severe pain all the time. He gave me no new information and said to exercise religiously and to cut out carbs. He poked me in the stomach and said “You have to lose that”. It was very demeaning and I left crying. I dread having to go back to him.” This is a review left by a patient with fibromyalgia who was left embarrassed to the extent of dreading their next encounter.

This is a very bad practice being put out by Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum and such practices always have the tendency to give a negative impression about the medical profession to people. Doctors have always been elevated to certain levels within the various societies to a point that an individual always feel relieved to some extent immediately after talking to a doctor about his or her problem. This shows the level of belief and trust that people have in those within the medical profession and it is very painful and regrettable to realize that someone is single-handedly trying to destroy such a noble and well respected image of the medical profession. Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum really has to be called to order since all his actions and inactions points to a total disregard for human life.

The kind of words and gestures used by a doctor hugely affects the medical condition of a particular patient. This simply shows that the moment a doctor decides to use words and gestures that demean a patient; the chances of the patient quickly recovering from his or her ailment are drastically reduced. The emotions of a sick person are such that anything done to it will either positively or negatively affect his or her response to the prescribed drugs. These are things that all professionally qualified medical practitioners know which is why it is very baffling to find out that Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum does what he does. If Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum’s negative way of dealing with his patients is not swiftly handled by the authorities involved, it won’t be long before casualties are recorded.

Doctors are constantly dealing with medical conditions that can have grave consequences for a patient if not properly handled which is why they are always required to show a degree of sympathy, understanding and concern toward their patients. Contrary to this, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum rather has no regard for his patients and even goes on to the extent of poking fun at them and making them feel completely embarrassed. There are certain behavioural practices that can never ever be shown in the medical profession and high on that list is embarrassing your patients due to their medical condition(s) as it always comes with grave impacts. So for a medical practitioner to be able to make fun of his patients to the point of making them feel completely embarrassed is something that should be seen as very serious and life-threatening.

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