Google AdWords 계정 보안 모범 사례

Posted by Digital Marketer on January 8th, 2024

광고주가 아이디판매 의 역동적인 환경을 탐색할 때 계정 보안을 보장하는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 이 도움말에서는 Google AdWords 계정의 무결성을 유지하고 캠페인을 보호하며 민감한 정보를 보호하기 위한 모범 사례를 살펴보겠습니다.

1. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA):

Two-step authentication adds an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of authentication (usually a code sent to a mobile device) in addition to their password. Enable 2FA on your Google Account to prevent unauthorized access.

2. Update your password regularly:

Updating your password frequently helps reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Choose a strong, unique password and don't use the same password for multiple accounts. Implement a password update schedule to enhance security.

3. Monitor account activity:

Regularly review your AdWords account activity for suspicious activity. Google provides tools to monitor recent login history and changes to your account. If you discover unauthorized access, take immediate action to protect your account.

4. Restrict access with user permissions.

Assign specific user roles and permissions to individuals based on their responsibilities. Limit access to sensitive information and features to only those who need it. Regularly audit user access to ensure compliance with security protocols.

5. Keep your contact information up to date.

Please maintain up-to-date contact information associated with your AdWords account. This ensures that you receive important security notifications and alerts immediately. Make sure the email address and phone number associated with your account are correct.

6. Beware of phishing attempts.

Phishing attempts are a common vector for unauthorized access. Be cautious of emails or messages that request sensitive information or link to unfamiliar websites. Always verify the legitimacy of communications related to your AdWords account.

7. Review your billing information regularly.

Please regularly review the payment information associated with your AdWords account. Make sure your registered payment method is accurate and up to date. Any discrepancies or unknown charges should be investigated immediately.

8. Set up account notifications:

Configure account notifications to receive notifications about important events, such as billing information changes, ad disapprovals, or suspicious activity. Timely notifications help you resolve issues immediately and prevent potential security breaches.

9. Implement IP exclusions:

Specify IP exclusions to limit access to your AdWords account from specific locations or devices. This adds an additional layer of security by restricting account access to authenticated locations and devices.

10. Train team members on security practices.

Ensure that all team members involved in managing your AdWords account are trained on security best practices. Conduct regular training sessions to keep everyone informed about potential threats and security protocols.

By incorporating these best practices into your AdWords account management, you can build a strong security framework to protect your campaigns and sensitive information. Empower your team with the knowledge they need to remain vigilant, regularly update security measures, and maintain the integrity of your advertising efforts. In the next article, we'll look at privacy issues related to Google ID and AdWords and highlight ethical advertising practices.

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Digital Marketer

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Digital Marketer
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