How to Deal with Lost Car Keys Situations

Posted by Jennie Avila on January 9th, 2024

Nothing is more frustrating than losing your car keys. You cannot get into the vehicle and drive around from place to place. In some cases, you end up finding them, and the issue is resolved; only a bit of stress and frustration are involved. On other occasions, some don’t find lost car keys, and they have to break inside the car, call the locksmith, and change the entire lock system. In this case, it is worse since more services are required, and more time is spent waiting for professionals to repair everything.

The good news is that you can find locksmiths in Auburn, WA who specialize in all sorts of services; they can make spare car keys but also provide emergency services, fix the lock if the key is stuck inside, offer ignition repair, and much more. Finding such a specialist is necessary, and having the contact nearby is helpful when the unpredictable happens. You never know when you will lose your car keys and when you will require emergency services, and instead of wasting time in that moment, it is better to have someone ready,

What to Do with Lost Car Keys

The first thing that might cross your mind with lost car keys is to panic. You might think the situation is hopeless and you will never find the keys again, or you will have to pay a fortune to have the lock replaced. Worrying and panicking don’t help in any situation and make things a lot worse. Try to relax and think things through because nothing is helpless and you can always count on someone to provide great support. If possible, try to retrace the steps and see whether you can find the keys in the places you have been.

If you are lucky, you can find the keys in the places you least expect. For instance, if you have been in a shopping center, someone could find the keys and put them away until you retrieve them. In case the keys are lost before leaving the house, try looking everywhere, especially in laundry baskets, couch cushions, another bag, or pants you wore the previous days. You will be surprised to find the keys in a mundane place. In case they are untraceable or you suspect someone even stole them, then there is no time to waste, and you need to take better measures.

If you have spare car keys, then you have nothing to worry about since you can use them. The temporary solution is great to help you get back into the car. If you are not at home, ask someone trusted to get them for you. However, in the situation where the spare key doesn’t exist, or you are unable to get it, perhaps it is better to count on locksmiths for car replacement services. Emergency services are also available, which means you can call professionals at any time and hour and count on their assistance.

Getting in Touch with Locksmiths to Make a Spare Car Key in Auburn, WA

Car locksmiths are the most appropriate to offer the perfect solutions and a wide range of services to help you find your way in any stressful situation. The locksmiths in Auburn, WA can make a spare car key, but they can help you get in your car, create duplicates for transponder keys, and much more. Their services are particularly useful in emergency situations when you are out of town and you don’t have someone by your side.

When you get in touch with the locksmith, mention your issue, what happened exactly, your location, and what car you drive. They might ask additional questions so they can arrive prepared at your location. Most services are offered on the spot, and their purpose is to get you inside the car safely. Experts come equipped with tools and equipment, so you have nothing to worry about.


In situations where you lose your car keys, the costs depend on many factors, including the car you drive. Newer models have keyless entry and security systems that are harder to get into. Older cars are simpler and require a classic key that locksmiths can easily replace. Programming a new key, especially the one with electronic immobilizers, requires expert knowledge and someone with the necessary tools and experience in the field.

However, when you are in such situations, costs come second to peace of mind. The most important aspect is to get in the car and continue your driving. Leaving the vehicle unattended is out of the question, as someone might wait around the corner to steal it. It doesn’t take long to make a spare car key. A physical key can be made in less than an hour, but an OEM replacement key requires so much more. A dealer will put the key at your disposal in a couple of days and even weeks.


Some people might wonder if it is possible to track down lost car keys. This is true when the keys have trackers installed. Of course, if you want to secure your keys in the future, you can add a tracker separately. Otherwise, it is impossible to find the keys once you leave or forget about them somewhere. Car owners might wonder if it is necessary to change the car locks once they lose the keys.

This is not the case. Professional locksmiths can program the key so it unlocks the vehicle and fits into the locks and ignition. In the unfortunate event your keys were stolen, and you know this for a fact, the first thing to do is call the police and the insurance company. Get in touch with the dealer and the locksmith and see what they recommend. The key must be replaced as soon as possible, and you should not leave the car unattended.

Locksmiths Can Make a Spare Car Key

Whenever you need a spare key or you lost your car keys, you can get in touch with a reliable and experienced locksmith in Auburn, WA. Besides the actual services, you can count on their level of expertise and find out how you can avoid similar situations in the future.

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Jennie Avila

About the Author

Jennie Avila
Joined: April 6th, 2023
Articles Posted: 131

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