Family Violence Lawyer Melbourne

Posted by Garza Flora on February 4th, 2024

Family and domestic violence is taken very seriously in Australia, with numerous legal remedies available to victims such as parenting orders and intervention orders, which may also be known as restraining orders in other jurisdictions.

If you or someone close to you is in immediate danger, dial 000. For support and advice call Lifeline - 13 11 14 or MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78.
What is family violence?

Family violence refers to any violent, threatening or coercive behaviour occurring between intimate partners or families and their intimate partners or families in current and past relationships. It's an extremely complex issue that takes many forms; including physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse as well as tactics designed to control a person such as stalking, controlling access to funds or isolating them from friends and family. Family violence lawyer Melbourne impacts all genders, ages, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds equally.

Family violence takes many forms and may take place between spouses, dating partners, parents and their children living separately or relatives living separate households. Victims may suffer psychological, sexual or financial abuse that has an egregious effect on them and their community. Point Cook Family Lawyer offers compassionate yet professional family and domestic violence law representation who always put the client's best interest first - this includes applying for intervention orders where applicable.
What are the legal remedies for family violence?

Family violence includes not only physical attacks but can also include psychological and emotional abuse as well. Stalking, property damage and stalking may also constitute acts of family violence; to protect yourself from further abuse it's important to remember you can file for an FVIO against anyone who threatens or abuses you.

Court orders that provide protection can help protect both you and your children by prohibiting those you are applying against (known as respondents) from engaging in certain behavior or contacting you directly. 

Legal systems take allegations of family and domestic violence seriously, with lawyers working hard to make sure victims get the assistance they need and remain safe. If your safety is immediately threatened, call 000 immediately - Lifeline or MensLine Australia may also provide counselling, financial aid or emergency services that could assist with emergency assistance services if needed.
What are the consequences of family violence?

Family violence comes in various forms and has devastating repercussions for those impacted. From physical, psychological, or financial abuse - even lethal cases - victims can often feel helpless and powerless against it all. Furthermore, intimate partner violence can have lasting repercussions for children who experience difficulty with emotional regulation, dissociation and numbing as well as difficulties reading social cues.

Due to shifts in community attitudes and tightened sentencing standards, cases involving family violence are now taken extremely seriously by society and courts alike. Priority will usually be given in court proceedings against perpetrators while in almost every instance police will seek an intervention order against the offender.

Being involved in a dispute involving domestic or family violence can complicate a separation or divorce, making the process harder to resolve. An experienced family lawyer familiar with domestic and family violence laws will be essential in helping obtain an intervention order and assist with property settlement issues.
What can I do if I am a victim of family violence?

Due to shifting community attitudes and stricter sentencing standards, cases involving family violence are taken extremely seriously. A person could either be accused of criminal offenses or require an intervention order application for protection.

Victims of family violence should seek legal assistance as soon as possible from an attorney specialising in this area for advice and representation. It is also advisable to reach out for emergency support via crisis lines, women's refuges or victim services workers for immediate help.

If the person causing violence has a history of mental health or drug issues, court orders and/or treatment programs could be implemented against them that impact on their parenting and/or financial applications (property settlement) related to marriage or de facto relationship breakdown. Abusive behaviour - be it psychological, physical or emotional abuse - has devastating effects on victims as well as children witnessing such behaviour. It can have lasting negative repercussions for both victim's self-esteem and wellbeing.

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Garza Flora

About the Author

Garza Flora
Joined: July 12th, 2018
Articles Posted: 236

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