A Guide to Choosing the Right Chiropractor for Back Pain

Posted by Jennie Avila on February 7th, 2024

If you work in an office and spend most of your day stuck on a chair in front of your office desk, doing paperwork. Chances are, at some point, all this limited movement will cause you problems.

By spending loads of your time crouched over your desk, looking at papers, or at your laptop, at some point, you will undoubtedly begin to experience back pain. In situations like these, you will probably see your doctor and follow a course of treatment. But after finishing it, the pain will come back.

This happens because prescriptions for medicine are only used to mask the symptoms for a short while. So, after this failed attempt at curing your back pain, you will find yourself at a crossroads—Between surgery and chiropractic.

In this case, many people opt for non-invasive procedures for many reasons. First of all, it is more affordable than surgery, which can cost up to thousands of dollars. A chiropractor for back pain is the best option because you can get a non-invasive treatment plan, it does not require additional healing time afterward, and it is a lot more affordable. But if you have other problems besides back pain, you can also seek a chiropractor for sciatica, headaches, or more facile pregnancies and deliveries.

What is Chiropractic?

To understand what chiropractic is, you really need only to take a look at the term. The term chiropractic comes from ancient Greek. “Cheir” means hand, and “Praktikos’ means done. So chiropractic means “Done by hand.” Chiropractic is a form of treatment done by hand, in which professionals use their hands to examine and treat conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, which consists of the bones, muscles, and joints.

The work of chiropractors includes recommending exercises that help in the rehabilitation or treatment of certain conditions. Chiropractors also provide nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle advice.

A chiropractor for back pain uses many methods to diagnose musculoskeletal issues. Through some of these methods, we identify hands-on clinical examinations or X-rays and MRIs. These methods are used before beginning treatment to determine if the patient is suitable for chiropractic or should be recommended to another healthcare professional

 What is Chiropractic Good for?

Many patients with chronic care seek alternative treatments without medications. Chiropractic is one of those alternatives. It is accessible to people who suffer from all kinds of pain and aches, and at times, it is even more beneficial than traditional medicated treatments.

Chiropractic can help with neck and back pains, but also headaches. It is believed that it can also reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Athletes can also seek chiropractic treatments as it is proven that it can help athletic performance.

First of all, chiropractic eases neck and back pain. These kinds of pain are widespread if you have bad posture or maybe bend your neck to look at your phone often. With these types of injuries, chiropractic is the best option if you do not wish for an invasive procedure or you can not afford it.

Chiropractic can also help to relieve you of headaches through spinal manipulation. This procedure allows to ease headaches originating in the neck. It is also suitable for tension headaches

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage in your joints is degenerating, causing the bones to rub together with movement and generate tremendous amounts of pain. There haven't been many studies done on the effects of chiropractic on this ailment, but it is believed that through chiropractic, your joints can be realigned, and therefore, the pain dissipates.

Athletes can also benefit from chiropractic treatment. Through following such a course of treatment, their athletic performance improves. The improvement is achieved through increasing joint mobility and reducing pain and tissue restriction.

Can You Get Help from a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

Studies show that an estimated 85% of people experience back pain strong enough at some point that they see a doctor.

The treatment in case of back pain often differs from one healthcare professional to another. It usually is a mix of rest, exercises and stretching, and also pain relievers. Some doctors can also recommend chiropractic therapy.

If you decide to get the help of a chiropractor for back pain, the process consists of many steps, and the first one is diagnosis. Most often, this step consists of palpating the spine and getting visual evidence of spinal defects, such as scoliosis.

If the chiropractor determines that you are suitable for treatment, you will obtain a customised treatment plan. Manual adjustments are often included once or twice in these plans, and they are the process through which the professional manipulates the joints by using controlled, sudden force. Through this method, the range and quality of motion are thoroughly improved. Many chiropractic care practitioners include nutritional counselling and exercises in these plans.

Can You Get Help from a Chiropractor for Sciatica?

If, at some point, you experience shooting pain from your lower back right down your legs, you are probably experiencing sciatica pain.

The sciatic nerve is the longest one in the entire human body. It runs from the buttocks to the toes, and it can cause you to feel unbearable pain for many reasons. In case you have a trapped nerve, a disc herniation, or piriformis syndrome, you can experience symptoms of sciatica. These symptoms include leg pain that worsens when sitting, numbness or weakness in your legs, or consistent lower back pains and difficulty getting up.

If you get help from a chiropractor for sciatica, he will apply spinal manipulation through which the herniated disc will be put back into position to take pressure off the sciatic nerve.

There are many other ailments chiropractic can be beneficial in, and if you want to find out more about them, you can read this article.

Chiropractic is beneficial for many ailments. You can, for instance, seek a chiropractor for back pain who will help to relieve your aches by following a course of treatment. You can also get a chiropractor for sciatica who will realign your herniated spinal disk and alleviate the pressure in your sciatic nerve. Chiropractic is a more affordable and easily accessible alternative to surgical or medicated treatments.

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Jennie Avila

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Jennie Avila
Joined: April 6th, 2023
Articles Posted: 132

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