Things to do before leaving and while travelling for Umrah

Posted by Muminah Tannous on February 7th, 2024

Have you ever wondered what to do before leaving and while travelling for Umrah? Doing essential things before departure can make your Umrah experience more rewarding and fulfilling.

If you plan to perform, you must travel for this sacred journey. Performing Umrah can purify your soul and get you closer to Allah (SWT). However, it also requires some planning and preparations to have a smooth and hassle-free trip. It includes making the Umrah intention, learning about rituals/steps, obtaining a visa, booking the Umrah Package, etc. So, in this article, we will explore in detail the top things you must do before leaving for Umrah travel. But you would miss the part after travelling – the important and experienced one! Let’s delve into.

Things to do before leaving for Umrah

To ensure a smooth and successful voluntary act of worship – Umrah, here are some essential things to do before you set off:

Setting your pure intention:

You are going for Umrah, and your intention is that. Isn’t that the case? But what about the pure intention? Intention (Niyyah) can be made from verbal words or by pure heart.

  • Choose a quiet space for making pure intention.
  • It should be sincere and pure only for the sake of Allah (SWT).
  • Seek guidance from Islamic scholars if needed.
  • Avoid the worldly motives.
  • You can use the below words for making pure Niyyah:

O Allah (SWT)! I’m here in response to Your call for Umrah.

Increase your knowledge about Umrah:

Having the proper knowledge of Umrah will make your journey smooth and memorable. It would be best to familiarise yourself with Umrah's essential steps, which are Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’ee, and Qasr. You must know how to perform them. Here are some resources on how you can learn Umrah rites:

  • Primary sources of Islam – The Holy Quran and Hadiths
  • Reading Islamic books and articles
  • Websites and other online courses
  • Seeking guidance from scholars
  • Connecting with other pilgrims who have recently performed Umrah
  • By live streaming/videos

Ensuring your physical health:

Having a physically fitted body is vital to a successful experience for Umrah. Besides physical health, being mentally ready for Umrah is also mandatory. This tip may be optional for disabled/older pilgrims. Ok, but how can you ensure your health before departing for pilgrimage?

  • By consulting with a doctor
  • Boosting your fitness because pilgrimage has walking rituals
  • It would help if you adopted a healthy diet
  • Maintaining hygiene
  • Getting healthy foods and doing daily exercises

Packing wisely for Umrah:

To have a comfortable pilgrimage, you should pack wisely and smartly. You can do this by not including the worldly items in your Umrah luggage. Include only the Umrah essentials, which are:

  • Pack Ihram, if you have
  • Comfortable clothing according to the weather in Saudi Arabia
  • Comfortable shoes/slippers
  • Toiletries/hygiene items
  • Medications
  • Travel itinerary, Hijabs, pins, prayer book, etc.
  • It would help if you rolled your clothes to save space in luggage bags.

Things to do while travelling for Umrah

While travelling for Umrah, you may face some challenges and responsibilities. Here are some things to do while travelling for Umrah that may help you. We are going to make a list for your easiness:

  • Carry all the travel documents such as visas, passports, certificates, vouchers, passes, etc.
  • Exchange your currency into Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR)
  • Maintain your Ihram if you get the chance to wear
  • You should be hydrated and nourished during air travel
  • Keep patience and be respectful
  • Download valuable apps according to your needs
  • Pack medicines, face/eye masks, baggage toys, and keys in your hand luggage
  • Perform the necessary prayers during your flight
  • Recite Duas/supplications while travelling
  • Make Dhikr (remembrance of Allah Almighty)
  • Avoid distractions
  • Enjoy the scenery
  • Reach your landing airport and go to Makkah to conduct Umrah

Have a Final Glance

Let’s finalize this article! So, we have successfully discussed some of the top things to do before leaving and while travelling for pilgrimage. Imagine the beauty and diversity of Muslim Ummah. You should have the main goal in your mind, which is a pilgrimage, not otherworldly matters.

After completing the rituals, you can do a lot of other activities in Saudi Arabia, such as shopping, visiting historical sites, trying local cuisines, etc. Encourage to have a pilgrimage journey? Book Umrah Packages 2024 now and take this blessing from God. May you have a good Umrah travel!

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Muminah Tannous

About the Author

Muminah Tannous
Joined: February 15th, 2020
Articles Posted: 48

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