Is There A Risk Of My Swimming Pool Freezing Over During The Winter - Pool Warehouse

Posted by Liz Seyi on February 12th, 2024

Being the owner of your own swimming pool is something that you are likely to greatly appreciate. However, knowing how to properly care for and maintain a pool will also be a crucial part of the ownership experience. And that, in turn, will necessitate you following the appropriate procedures for “closing down” your pool during the winter months. 

But could those lower temperatures heighten the risk of your pool freezing over during this time of year? Below, we investigate this subject more closely. 

Will my pool freeze over? 

It may come as a surprise to learn that yes, if the temperature drops low enough, you may come out to discover a frozen ice rink in the place of your pool – although we would not recommend skating! 

If the cold weather persists, the ice may grow at a thickness of ¼ inch a day, which could bring about considerable damage to your pool liner, pumps, and pipes. So, getting this issue sorted as quickly as possible should be a priority for you.

How to fix a frozen pool

There are a few steps that you can take to help get your pool back to normal in no time, and these include:

  • Break the ice up

As we mentioned, the thickness of the ice can grow quickly over several days of cold weather. So, make sure you break up the ice every day to reduce the risk of damage to your pool tiles.

  • Invest in a winter pool cover

The best way to stop your pool from freezing over is to invest in a quality winter pool cover that you can use at this time of year. Although this may be a pricey initial investment, it will save you the time and effort of breaking the ice, and can reduce the risk of damage that comes with very low temperatures. 

  • Wrap your pipes

Pool pipes are often overlooked, but they can crack if they are located above the ground and the temperature drops below 0 degrees C. So, take precautions by wrapping pipes in heating cables ahead of the cold weather – the future you will thank you!

Final thoughts

A key element of keeping your pool in working order is being prepared – and with our top tips, you can make sure your pool is safe and in good shape all year round.

Order the right winter pool cover from our extensive range here at Pool Warehouse, and you will be able to further make sure your pool is protected in all the right ways this season. 


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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,624

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