Just In! Genuine Student Test Commencement in March 2024

Posted by ONEderland Consulting on May 1st, 2024

It’s Official! Genuine Student Test Commence on 23 March 2024

The Australian Government announced the commencement of the Genuine Student Test (GST) on 23 March 2024, signifying the total closure of GTE Student Visa requirements. It will act as the new rules for Study Visa in Australia. The Genuine Student Test requires the prospective applicants to answer some targeted questions regarding:

  • the applicant’s current circumstances, including their relationships to family, the community, their place of employment, and their financial situation;
  • an explanation of their course choice and the reasons behind their decision to study in Australia;
  • the advantages the course offers to applicants;
  • for those who previously studied in Australia must explain their previous study experience
  • for applicants who hold a other visa and lodging a Student Visa application must explain reasons for submitting it; and
  • any other pertinent information they deem appropriate to include.

Further details of the Genuine Student Test are explained below.

When and how the Genuine Student Test commences?

The Genuine Student Test will commence on 23 March 2024. As mentioned above, the GST for Student Visa Australia requires the prospective applicants to answer the targeted questions, which will appear upon the application lodgement. This change aims to verify the sincerity of students’ intentions to obtain high-quality education in Australia.

With the commencement of the Genuine Student Test, the prospective students are no longer required to provide a GTE statement letter.

Please note that the new rules for Study Visa in Australia, for this case is the Genuine Student Test, applies to Student Visa (subclass 500) only, while the Guardian Visa (subclass 590) will continue to be assessed with GTE requirements.

Do I need to provide a GTE statement letter after commencement of Genuine Student Test?

If you lodge your Student Visa application on 23 March 2024 onwards, you are not required to provide a GTE statement letter. Instead, you are required to answer the targeted questions for the Genuine Student Test upon lodging your application.

Other than answering the targeted questions, ensure to provide supporting evidence for every claim you’ve mentioned on the Genuine Student Test.

What if I lodged my Student Visa application before 23 March 2024?

If you have lodged your Student Visa before 23 March 2024, the Department of Home Affairs will assess based on your application will be assessed with GTE requirements. Meaning, you must provide a GTE statement letter as you could not answer the targeted questions for the Genuine Student Test.

The new visa rules for Study Visa in Australia only apply to applications submitted on 23 March 2024 onwards.

Does it mean meeting the Student Visa requirements is going to be more complex?

The Genuine Student Test, acting as the new rules for Study Visa in Australia, might sound complex and confusing at the moment as we’re yet used to it. But, it does not necessarily mean meeting the Student Visa requirements is going to be more challenging.

The real challenge is expected to apply to the onshore Student Visa applicants. Considering the Genuine Student Test requires onshore applicants to provide strong reasons and evidence as to why they have to take the study in Australia. They must show their genuine intention to study in the country.

In addition, the Australian Government will amend the Student Visa Declaration to mandate that the visa holders:

  • comprehend what it means to be a legitimate student for the purposes of studying in Australia;
  • have read, comprehend, and committed to abiding by the terms of the student visa;
  • have understood that, despite the availability of post-study pathways leading to permanent migration, only a restricted number of graduates will be eligible, and those who are not able to remain in Australia lawfully must leave the country.

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ONEderland Consulting

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ONEderland Consulting
Joined: September 29th, 2022
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