Ways you can keep your whole home more organized

Posted by Jason Norman on June 6th, 2024

Trying to keep the home more organized is not a one-time deal. You can use professionals like cleaners and a garbage removal company Toms River but for it to stick there is more to do. It takes learning some good practices and the help of everyone living there. Here are some great pieces of advice so you can have a home that is more often tidy, clean and organized than in chaos!

Set a basic requirement of things everyone must do

This might include everyone having to make their bed when they get up, or cleaning their breakfast dishes, or tidying away work or homework from the table after you are done. Once these things are decided upon everyone has to stick to them.

Be prepared to change your habits

People get into the habit of not putting things away, or wiping a countertop down and those habits will take time to break. Deciliter, call in a garbage removal company Lakewood to remove things and then set up a better system that encourages people to stick to good habits not bad. Mostly that means tidying as you go. After drying your hair put the dryer away right then. When the child is done with one toy they put it away before getting the next out. It helps avoid the buildup of lots of things that are out of place.

Have a donation container

When someone in the home is done with something but it still has some life in it, they place it in the donation container rather than leaving it in the back of a closet or at the bottom of the toy box. Have children come with you to donate so they see the importance of helping others.

Think carefully about what you bring into the home

If you want to buy something new, clothes, make-up, toys, kitchen appliances and gadgets, then how are you going to fit it into your home? Make sure you have the space, that you have cleared out the old items it is replacing, and that it is organized straight away. You can clear things out first with the help of a garbage removal company Lakewood.

Have certain surfaces that are to remain clear

If there are things on a countertop that you rarely use, a kitchen blender for example, find a cupboard for it and get that surface clear. Then set the rule that certain or even all surfaces have to be clear at all times so people deal with their paperwork, their keys and other junk rather than throw it onto to a surface and leave. Consider if it is something you really need to keep. If that blender has never been used think about donating it.

Understand that keeping an organized home is self-care

A messy home full of clutter and things everywhere is not conducive to being relaxed and having a healthy mind. Teach yourself and your children that being responsible for their things is important. There will be fewer of those panicked mornings when someone cannot find their gym bag, or they forgot their lunch bag. De-clutter with them, recycle what you can, donate what you can and send the rest with a garbage removal company Toms River!

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Jason Norman

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Jason Norman
Joined: February 24th, 2020
Articles Posted: 516

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