9 Essential Care Tips for Your BJJ Gi

Posted by steve7876 on June 15th, 2024

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that emphasizes grappling and ground fighting, often practiced in a traditional uniform known as a Gi. Taking care of your BJJ Gi is crucial for maintaining its longevity, performance, and hygiene. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, understanding how to properly care for your Gi will help you get the most out of your training. Here are nine essential care tips for your bjj gi, along with some insights on the use of long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards to complement your gear.

1. Wash Your Gi Immediately After Training

One of the most important aspects of caring for your BJJ Gi is to wash it immediately after training. Sweat, bacteria, and dirt accumulate on your Gi during practice, and leaving it unwashed can lead to unpleasant odors and potential skin infections. To avoid this, make it a habit to wash your Gi as soon as possible after each training session.

Steps to Follow:

  • Pre-rinse: Rinse your Gi in cold water to remove excess sweat and dirt.
  • Use cold water: Wash your Gi in cold water to prevent shrinking and color fading.
  • Gentle cycle: Use a gentle cycle on your washing machine to avoid excessive wear and tear.
  • Mild detergent: Choose a mild detergent that is free of bleach and harsh chemicals.

By washing your Gi promptly, you ensure that it stays fresh and ready for your next training session.

2. Avoid Using Bleach

While it might be tempting to use bleach to remove stains and odors, it's best to avoid it when washing your BJJ Gi. Bleach can weaken the fabric fibers, causing your Gi to wear out faster and potentially leading to tears. Additionally, bleach can cause discoloration, particularly in colored Gis.

Alternatives to Bleach:

  • White vinegar: Adding a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle can help eliminate odors and maintain the fabric's integrity.
  • Baking soda: Sprinkling baking soda in the wash can help with stubborn stains and odors without damaging the fabric.

These natural alternatives are gentler on your Gi and just as effective at keeping it clean and fresh.

3. Air Dry Your Gi

Drying your Gi properly is crucial for maintaining its shape and durability. High heat from a dryer can cause your Gi to shrink and weaken the fabric over time. Instead, opt for air drying.

Tips for Air Drying:

  • Hang dry: Hang your Gi on a clothesline or a sturdy hanger in a well-ventilated area.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the fabric to fade. Dry your Gi in the shade or indoors.
  • Rotate the Gi: To ensure even drying, periodically rotate your Gi while it hangs.

Air drying might take longer, but it's the best way to preserve the quality of your BJJ Gi.

4. Inspect for Damage Regularly

Regular inspection of your BJJ Gi is essential to catch any signs of wear and tear early. Grappling can be tough on your gear, and small issues can quickly become larger problems if not addressed promptly.

What to Look For:

  • Loose threads: Trim any loose threads to prevent them from unraveling further.
  • Seam integrity: Check the seams for signs of fraying or splitting and repair them if necessary.
  • Fabric wear: Look for thinning areas, especially around the knees and elbows, which are high-stress points.

By keeping an eye on the condition of your Gi, you can address minor issues before they turn into major repairs.

5. Rotate Your Gis

If you train regularly, it's a good idea to have more than one Gi in rotation. This practice allows each Gi to fully dry and recover between training sessions, reducing the wear and tear on any single Gi.

Benefits of Rotation:

  • Longevity: Rotating between multiple Gis helps distribute the wear, extending the lifespan of each Gi.
  • Hygiene: Having a fresh Gi for each session reduces the risk of bacteria buildup and skin infections.
  • Convenience: With multiple Gis, you won't be caught without a clean Gi if one is still drying or needs repairs.

Investing in a few high-quality Gis can save you money in the long run by prolonging the life of each one.

6. Store Your Gi Properly

Proper storage of your BJJ Gi is important to keep it in good condition between training sessions. Avoid stuffing your Gi into a gym bag and forgetting about it until the next class, as this can lead to mildew and bad odors.

Storage Tips:

  • Clean and dry: Always store your Gi clean and completely dry to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Ventilated area: Store your Gi in a well-ventilated area to allow air circulation and prevent musty smells.
  • Fold neatly: Fold your Gi neatly to avoid unnecessary creases and wrinkles, which can weaken the fabric over time.

Taking a few extra minutes to store your Gi properly can significantly extend its lifespan.

7. Use Rash Guards

Wearing rash guards under your Gi can provide several benefits, including added protection for your skin and your Gi. Rash guards come in long sleeve and short sleeve varieties, each with its own advantages.

Benefits of Rash Guards:

  • Hygiene: Rash guards act as a barrier between your skin and the Gi, reducing the transfer of sweat and bacteria.
  • Comfort: They help prevent chafing and skin irritation caused by the rough fabric of the Gi.
  • Protection: Rash guards can protect against mat burns and minor abrasions during training.

Long Sleeve vs. Short Sleeve Rash Guards:

  • Long Sleeve Rash Guards: Offer more coverage and protection for your arms, ideal for cooler environments or if you're prone to mat burns.
  • Short Sleeve Rash Guards: Provide greater flexibility and are better suited for warmer conditions, offering less restriction for your arms.

Choosing the right type of rash guard depends on your personal preference and training environment. Incorporating them into your gear can enhance both your performance and the longevity of your Gi.

8. Handle Stains Promptly

Stains are inevitable, especially in a contact sport like BJJ. Whether it's blood, sweat, or food stains, addressing them promptly can prevent permanent discoloration of your Gi.

Steps to Remove Stains:

  • Pre-treat: As soon as you notice a stain, pre-treat it with a stain remover or a mixture of water and mild detergent.
  • Soak: For stubborn stains, soak the affected area in cold water with a bit of detergent for a few hours before washing.
  • Avoid hot water: Hot water can set the stain, making it more difficult to remove. Always use cold water for stain treatment.

Quick and effective stain removal can keep your Gi looking clean and professional.

9. Follow Manufacturer's Care Instructions

Every Gi is made differently, and manufacturers provide specific care instructions to ensure the best maintenance for their products. Always read and follow the care instructions that come with your short sleeve rash guards.

Why It Matters:

  • Material-specific care: Different fabrics and weaves require different care methods to maintain their integrity.
  • Warranty: Following the manufacturer's instructions can help maintain any warranty that comes with the Gi.
  • Optimal performance: Proper care according to the manufacturer ensures that your Gi performs at its best for as long as possible.

Adhering to these instructions can save you from unnecessary damage and extend the lifespan of your BJJ Gi.


Proper care of your BJJ Gi is essential for maintaining its performance, durability, and hygiene. By washing your Gi immediately after training, avoiding bleach, air drying, inspecting for damage, rotating your Gis, storing them properly, using rash guards, handling stains promptly, and following the manufacturer's care instructions, you can ensure that your Gi remains in top condition for many training sessions to come. Additionally, incorporating long sleeve and short sleeve rash guards into your training gear can provide added protection and comfort. With these nine essential care tips, you'll be well-equipped to keep your BJJ Gi in excellent shape, allowing you to focus on your training and progression in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

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Joined: September 25th, 2016
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