How Could The Inspyre Application Assist You In The Management Of Epilepsy?

Posted by Liz Seyi on July 25th, 2024

The variety of epilepsy monitoring solutions available on the market today can make it difficult to single out a device or product that would represent the right match to your particular condition, environment, and needs.

 This is why, here at Epilepsy Solutions, we place a strong emphasis on doing everything possible to provide our customers with the equipment that best suits them, instead of simply “pushing” a specific product onto them. Dependent on the customer’s location, we can undertake home assessments, installation, and training.

 Nonetheless, of the products that are currently available, there are several reasons why the Inspyre – Powered by Acuma Health application, courtesy of SmartMonitor, might turn out to be the optimal choice for you.

 Introducing the Inspyre – Powered by Acuma Health application, and what it does

 Inspyre is an assistive technology app that is compatible with a range of popular smartwatches and smartphones. It works on the basis of tracking and monitoring the user’s movements, and sending notifications in the event of unusual patterns of motion being detected.

 Whether you use the Inspyre application on a Samsung Galaxy Watch, an Apple Watch, or a smartwatch that uses the Wear OS such as the Google Pixel Watch, the app will operate discreetly, and will be easy to use.

Three levels of subscription to support people with epilepsy

 If the Inspyre application sounds like it could be the right solution for you, it’s worth familiarising yourself with the Bronze, Silver, and Gold subscription plans.

 The “base” option – the Bronze subscription – identifies and alerts if it detects the repetitive shaking motion that is characteristic of a seizure. It also includes a cancel button and issues an instant text alert to one contact.  

Opting for the “Silver” plan, meanwhile, adds to the aforementioned functionalities a help/emergency button and a snooze button, as well as symptom reports. It also makes two phone calls, and allows for an instant text alert to be sent to as many as five contacts.

 Finally, users who commit to the “Gold” option won’t have a limit in terms of how many people their Inspyre application can immediately send a text alert to. They will also benefit from such features as audio recording, GPS location capability, medication reminders, and heart rate data collection.

 You can probably begin to see, then, what potential the Inspyre application might have for supporting your own condition and helping you to live your life with the utmost peace of mind.

 If you are unsure about any aspect of the Inspyre application or any of the ways in which we could assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact the Epilepsy Solutions team today. 

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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,473

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