The Most Effective Ways To Save On Electric Bill

Posted by Energy Bid USA on October 2nd, 2016

You have probably read many guides on saving electricity and tried them, only to fail. Most guides unfortunately, only teach how to cut off a few cents, from the 0+ dollar bills that you get regularly.

Proper energy saving actually requires you to deal with what really drains the electricity in your home. By this I mean, dealing with the devices that suck up the most power.

Advices like switching off your light bulbs, “living on a candle”, and other shenanigans are definitely not going to work. So through this article, I’m going to give you some tips on how to deal with those major energy leaks.

To start off, we need to identify the major electricity leaks in your home.

Those would be the:

  • Washing Machine.
  • Fridges and Freezers.
  • Air Conditioners.
  • Dryers.

To save electricity, your job is to first and foremost, reduce consumption and the need to use those devices as much as you can.

Below, I’ll give you a few techniques on how to deal with each for proper energy saving.

Washing machines and dryers.

I’ve seen a lot of situations where, washing machines are actively being used by people on a daily basis, for most of the day. It’s pretty much laundry in, and laundry out. Rinse and repeat.

And it’s not bad to wash your clothes, but you legitimately have no reason to use a washing machine on a daily basis, unless you live in a family of 10+.

This type of daily usage usually means that the washing machine isn’t filled to its maximum capacity. So you’re basically using a lot of energy, to clean a little.

As a word of advice, try to use it only twice per week. Preferably the weekends, when you’re going to be mostly free.

Now for the dryer, I would recommend you get rid of it, and get a clothes hanger, is possible. Dryers suck way more energy than a washing machine, since they work a lot more to dry just a few pieces of clothes.

In fact, I would bet that your greatest obstacle to save electricity, would be the dryer. Sell it if you can.

Fridges and freezers.

Your number one mistake when buying food, is to buy it in bulk. Buying in bulk means you need to store more in your fridges and freezers. And this means that the device consumes more energy, to keep a huge amount of food chilled.

If you want to reduce consumption here, buy food based on your daily needs. If you’re really busy, buy at most 5 days ahead.

Air Conditioners.

One of the hardest ways to save on electric bills, is by controlling AC usage. Most people who live in hot environments, may not be able to tolerate the heat without calming the environment down a bit. It’s especially torturous if you live inside a concrete building, which are well known to retain heat for long periods of time.

In this case, try to spend most of your time at home with your family, in a single room. That single room should have an Air Conditioner. This is your best bet for energy saving in an environment that is haunted by heat.

About The Author

Energy Bid USA, single switch to connecting all the Texas power suppliers. We lay out all of the energy providers with their rate and term options in an easy to read format for you to compare and choose the best power plan that meets your home and business needs.

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About the Author

Energy Bid USA
Joined: October 2nd, 2016
Articles Posted: 1