How good is pet insurance, really?

Posted by Elite Internet Technologies on October 10th, 2016

Everyone knows that there is such a thing as pet insurance. They know that it covers injury and property damage caused by pets. Most people are also understandably dubious about the real value of this type of insurance. It’s relatively new, and hasn’t really entered the must-have bracket in urban culture.

The bottom line is that it is better to have some insurance than to have none. Pet liabilities can be extremely expensive, and the circumstances may be very distressing.

Dog insurance is a good example-

  • Dog insurance needs to cover a realistic framework of possible issues for dog owners. Interestingly, one of the major problems with dogs isn’t what the dogs do; it’s the perception of risk, combined with property damage and the occasional bite. Liabilities can be very high, and these disputes can be very acrimonious. Not having coverage doesn’t make the situation better.
  • Legal costs are another, less obvious issue with pet insurance. Modern pet insurance covers legal costs as well.
  • Other types of animal insurance, particularly for exotic pets, are equally important. If your pet is a large animal, liabilities for bodily injury, death, illness and passage of disease may be significant issues.
  • In some cases, insurance is also required to cover compensation.
  • Serious injury, death, and medical expenses may also need to be factored into your coverage requirements.
  • High risk insurance is also a good option in some cases.

If you’re somehow getting the impression that shopping around for good pet insurance might be a good idea, you’re quite right. The fact is that most off the rack pet insurance is of debatable value. Coverage may not be adequate, or even appropriate, for your needs.

This is one case where you really do need to read the fine print. Better still, you need someone on your side to rectify the for you. There’s a company called X Insurance in Washington State which is a sort of one stop shop for custom insurance needs.

This is a modern insurance brokerage, focusing on client needs and matching these needs with insurer products. It’s a very practical approach to a complex problem. For more information, visit their website here at You’ll learn a lot, and see some interesting insurance options.

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Elite Internet Technologies

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Elite Internet Technologies
Joined: December 1st, 2014
Articles Posted: 370

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